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Hi everybody!

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  • Emika's possession
  • "More ordinary days" events completed for Rin, Ayumi and Hikari

Two lines of changelog only but those "More ordinary days" events actually cover 12 different events, 4 for each girl and expand the options of their initial unique "Just an ordinary day" events. You can find those by filtering the event list with those keywords.

Those events were actually not included in my final goals for Glassix v1 because I completely forgot about them... My bad... But we're getting closer to it despite the delay with Glassix 2 which should be out in a few days.

Hope you'll enjoy this content! Thanks for your patience and support!




Hey hey. Have you already fixed the double-click thing reported a few versions ago? I think you said it had to do with mobile implementation or something?


I'm afraid not yet. I've been a bit too busy with Glassix 2 this month but this bug will be fixed next version once Glassix 2 is released.


Thanks for another great update. Keep making good progress! I wish you a progressive weekend and the upcoming week.