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Hi all,

I'll get it out of the way. I don't think I'll be able to finish VRR this month, again...

Last month, I told you I'd need to work on 3 main parts to have a playable first version : castle management, maze exploration and sex scenes. Each part would require about 1 week work time to be finished.

Well I'm not even done yet with any of it for 2 reasons :

  • Glassix actually took 2 weeks of work this month which I forgot to include in my planning for VRR...
  • I lost another few days reviewing the chibi sprites and trying to find a better way to handle them. From my previous post, you might have noticed the artist prepared 4 chibi versions, 1 for each girl. However as I started to animate them, it appeared to be a huge hassle because I had to duplicate stances and poses where it could have been mixed if they shared the same basic sprites which took me a few days to figure out and update on my own, since I'm not really good with photoshop.

So I'm being quite slow on the game here but in the long run, it will allow me to work much faster when the artist delivers me more outfits or when I'll have more battle animations to do. The image of this post is a low quality GIF sample from my result (no color for skin, eye and hair, sorry) and their is also a side version of the chibi ready now. The stance is shared for all girls which makes it really easy for me to animate and switch. I'm hoping to finish the castle management this week then I'll need 2 more weeks to finish the 2 others parts required.

However, most of you are actually more interested in Glassix and I'm now planning to work monthly on both games. Glassix v0.9 will be released mid November and will again, require 2 weeks of work. Meaning that VRR will be pushed back to the end of next month but even then, there might be some problems I'm not aware of yet so I prefer not to give any release date for VRR now. 

I don't want any of you to feel cheated because I didn't reach the deadline like I said. I can only apologize once more for this delay and offer to refund you for this month and last month if you feel cheated about it. I'd also advise you to remove your pledge this month if you were expecting VRR next month since I'm still not sure it'll be properly finished by then. For those of you who still don't cancel their pledge or ask for a refund, you'll still receive the game first version and its final versionas expected even if you don't pledge anymore.

Even though I'm quite slow working on VRR and most players are more interested in Glassix right now, I still think VRR has a lot of potential (which I can't show you yet sadly...) and should bring you some freshness in this sea of RPG Maker adult game which in the end, kind of feel the same. Your support is really helpful for me to reach this goal.

On a side note, a lot of you already might wonder why I just don't focus on Glassix then since it's better. The short answer is that I'd rather avoid trouble using the SBPR Studio for a custom game, even free. I'm trying to respect their terms (having their logo and such in the game) but even with that, there's still the not commercial part question. Glassix is free but having this patreon campaign works a bit like a donation system for Glassix which might be a problem. The line is quite blurry which is why I'm trying to show players, and myself, that I can still deliver a good quality game on my own without relying on a 3D software and that's VRR.

That's all for now. I apologize again for my lack of talent at planning and thank you all again for your patience and support.

Have a nice day !




Any demo


So any new on the VRR front?


Code wise, nothing at all since I spent all my time working and debugging Glassix. However I do have a lot of new sprites already prepared by the artist and I'll be focusing on it in the following weeks so hopefully you'll have news in 1 or 2 weeks to show how it's going.


Damn, another super late reply :X Sorry about that, the alert slipped through my mails and I only noticed now :X Anyway, still no demo for VRR yet. I'm planning to focus on it in the following weeks and give a proper trailer to the game but not sure about a playable demo yet. Since the game will have a LOT more core features and management than Vampire Revenge, I'm afraid I won't be able to release an early demo with few content like other games.