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Hi guys!

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  • French translation updated by CarpeNoctem
  • Fixed typo in girl's name during Shizuru's obedience event level 3 (Thanks Salking!)
  • Fixed virginity not being lost during Shizuru's level 3 event with Hanae (Thanks Salking!)
  • Fixed type in girl's name during Shiho's job event (Thanks Spectre!)
  • Fixed bug with earning sexen when using same command with multiple girls (Thanks Spectre!)
  • Added missing staff sexy suit part 4 event in the event list (Thanks Slifer83!)
  • Fixed bug where girls not met yet would stay forever in the same place until met if they appeared during some events (Thanks TheJohn!)
  • Added missing images during Utako's night event (Thanks Slifer83!)

Sorry again it took so long. Some game files I had copied on my laptop ended up corrupted for some unknowns reasons and I had to wait to be back home to work on it again plus I received some extra bug reports which I fixed too since I was already late anyway.

Among the fixes, there are 2 notable ones: 

The one which fixed an issue with sexen gain. To make the game a bit challenging, we made the sexen gain per event a daily gain, meaning if you repeated the same command with the same girl, you would not earn the sexen again (you could still earn it by coming inside then outside though). Anyway, the bug caused the sexen to no be earned even if you used the command with another girl. So once you used the anal come inside with any girl, you would not earn it for the day with any other girl either which was not intended. This is now fixed and you should be able to earn sexen more easily.

The second one was about some unmet girls freezing in place until you met them when they appeared in specific events. It happened with Hikari during the first PE lesson. If you had not met Hikari before, she would stay stuck in the gym until you met her. Now, unmet girl will not appear anymore and will also disappear after events if they are not met yet.

Besides those fixes, I also received some interesting suggestions:

  • The wait feature should also help regain a little stamina. This makes sense and would also allow the use of bed and chair during the rest to increase the stamina regain.
  • The cum effect can be annoying for some players so I'll add an option to disable it.

I'll work on those for 0.39. If you have suggestions of your own to make the game more accessible or interesting, drop me a message here or on Discord.

Thanks a lot for your patience, vacation time is finished for this summer so I'll be back to a normal pace.


A Sentient JDAM

If your files are corrupting randomly, I'd suggest looking into getting a new storage drive, or at least making regular backups.


What is actually with the the HD-Pack?


Yeah, my laptop is quite old. But my desktop is fine and since I'm back home, I don't need to work on my laptop anymore. I'll fix it before my next vacation though.


Ah thank you works this also for the version 0,38? And how I install this?


Well, the latest HD pack only replaces all images up to v0.35 so later versions will still have low quality images. To install it, simply extract the content of the HD pack in the game folder and replace the "scenes" folder.