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Hi guys!

First of all, sorry about the delays in replying to all your messages the past few days. I was actually traveling for vacation with my son but encountered some unexpected issues with our plane tickets and I had no internet access last week which delayed my post to tell you I'll be a bit less available at the beginning of July. (I should have posted about it before leaving but am I bad at organizing myself :x) Anyway everything is solved now and though I'll only be back to full work next week, I'll release the patch for Glassix this week.

Besides my own vacation, CarpeNoctem will also be away for a few weeks this month meaning a bit less content for Glassix this month. You can still expect Marilyn level 3 and more Devil's Lust events though. 

As for Lust Complex, I'll have to delay 0.4 for next month but I'll try to release a video to show some nice stuff for next version. I'm also aware several players had troubles with the tutorial which sometimes blocks the game or simply stops in the middle. I haven't been able to pinpoint the problem yet. If I can't find the problem, I'll switch the tutorial to a more classic one with explanations simply appearing when a new interface opens rather than trying to guide the player step by step. 

Sorry again about all those delays and thanks for your comprehension!



Every creator has a period of time when something goes wrong :) It is a normal ;)