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First, thanks to the patron who gave me some feedback and pointed out how the default soft physics settings looked better in BootyMagic alpha 3 (which was released Dec 14 2022). As a result of that feedback, I did some comparisons between Naturalis and BootyMagic alpha 3, and found a few further significant issues with soft physics and the physics gradient of Naturalis BootyMagic, which I otherwise wouldn't have noticed yet.

Second, I wish I'd noticed these issues sooner, and for that, I'm sorry. In terms of soft physics, Naturalis BootyMagic has been a downgrade over that old BootyMagic alpha version as well as just plain vanilla VAM.

And I notice I never shared the BootyMagic alpha 3 download link to patrons who joined the new 8 EUR/month Enthusiast tier - as a habit, I just assume any newer release is of course better than an older one, and in this case that wasn't entirely true. I've now updated the archive link which gives everyone access to the same earlier Patreon-only releases.

With this alpha 7 release, there should not be any way in which Naturalis BootyMagic is a downgrade. As always however, if you find something that seems off to you, either in terms of quality or how things look, or if something doesn't make sense to you, please don't hesitate to give feedback. Even if it's a bit negative in nature. Your constructive and critical feedback matters (more than you think) ! 9 times out of 10, the feedback that I do receive helps me find out about an issue I didn't know existed, and helps me focus on improving what's important.


Soft physics defaults

The default soft physics settings are now more jiggly and less rigid, matching pretty closely the behavior in BootyMagic alpha 3. These defaults will probably correspond to about 80 softness in the upcoming beta (but the default softness will still be 70, so the defaults will end up being slightly less soft and jiggly than now).

I hope you'll agree it looks much better now!

Physics gradient makes more sense

Short version:

The soft physics gradient no longer divides the glute radially into "center", "main" and "outer", instead there's essentially just "center" and "outer", and the center encompasses a larger area.

Long version:

Previously (and this is still true in TittyMagic), the main joints got the baseline value calculated during calibration and offset with the offset slider, and the center and outer joints could then get lower or higher values than the main ones in between. In other words, the gradient was a three point gradient (A->B->C). This makes sense for breasts because of the areola and nipples, but not for the glutes. Instead, glutes now have two point (A->B) gradient where the main joints are merged into the center group.

The physics gradient default values have also been adjusted.

Fixed gradient not being smooth horizontally but only up/down

This issue caused a sharp increase/drop when making any dramatic adjustments to the outer or main multipliers. An extreme example to illustrate:

The joints encircled yellow on the left and right should have grey/pink highlighting to indicate the values are in between red and blue, similar to the joints encircled with green above and below. This is now fixed.

Fixed outer lower soft joints spring causing an ugly distortion

Previously these soft joints in the outer lower part of the physics mesh would get the same fat spring as other joints in the outer parts of the gradient. This caused an ugly looking distortion in the mesh in forceful animations, with a low but still reasonable amount of fat spring.

BootyMagic alpha 3 didn't have this issue though! It took some digging to find that by default, VAM multiplies these specific joints to have up to 5 times the normal fat spring. This became an issue in Naturalis which calculates the joint values individually per joint according to the custom physics gradient - the built in multiplier is ignored. To fix this I added similar multipliers specifically to these joints. (In the gradient's visualization, the joints look like they have similar values to other outer joints though, that's just to prevent them from standing out unnecessarily. But in reality their values are much higher than the rest.)

Better hard colliders positions

Hard colliders are now repositioned to prevent overlap between the cheeks, and to fix an issue where penetration would push the overlapping colliders aside and make the glutes bulge out in an unnatural way. The colliders should also protrude less outside of the skin.


  • default physics when soft physics is off: a bit lower spring and in/out spring and a bit higher center of gravity to help the glutes swing and morph a bit more easily
  • renamed triggerable Gradient Areola Multiplier parameters to Gradient Center Multiplier (incorrect for BootyMagic and did not match the text shown in the UI)
  • removed triggerable Gradient Nipple Multiplier parameters from BootyMagic (copypaste vestiges from TittyMagic)



James Doe

i downloaded the new naturalis file but it was empty


Odd, but that's got to be something on your end. I checked and tested the download link and the var contents are there. Maybe try again, or with a different browser?

Alessandro Z.

Everlaster, alpha 4 and 3 are similar in question of Look the same? Because, what you told is so fucking interesting.