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Hard colliders visualization and configuration

Hard colliders can now be configured in a sub window accessible from the "Configure..." button. When in that menu, hard colliders are visualized (this was adapted from Collider Editor and improved upon). You can adjust an overall collision force multiplier, fine tune the collision force per collider, and adjust each individual collider's radius, length and position. 

In this screen cap, you see the main menu for configuring hard colliders. All colliders are highlighted in this view, and I've selected to visualize both breasts. By default, only the left breast is visualized so you can see the colliders when adjusting them but can test the appearance of collisions on the breast not obstructed by the visualizations.

Here, I've selected Pectoral3 collider, which keeps it highlighted while reducing the visibility of the other colliders.

It's quite obvious from the visualization that these default shapes are not optimal for human breasts. Maybe for robots. Elliptical colliders would be best for humans. However these are far better than nothing! Hard colliders are now enabled by default.

TittyMagic applies offsets to radius, length and the center position before the values from the UI sliders are applied, so that the default size and position of each collider is somewhat optimal and a good starting point for user configuration. For breasts from small to medium-large, every collider should be more or less contained within the breast volume. For very large breasts though, the colliders will start poking out more, this needs to be fixed by making the background scaling depend on breast volume.  

The amount of force is currently the same for all sizes and softness values. Some kind of scaling in the background as well is needed here as well.

One obvious downside of having a static force and size/shape is that while things look good when not pushing the breast too hard, harder impacts can cause the collider to bounce the breast as if the skin was made of stretchy rubber. This might be possible to prevent by dynamically reducing the force or offsetting the radius and length when the breast moves further from its neutral shape.


Hard colliders are now correctly resized for the current breast size at the end of recalibration. Note that if Auto-Update Mass is off and you adjust breast morphs, the colliders won't automatically resize since that doesn't trigger recalibration. In that case it's best to trigger recalibration with some other action to make sure the colliders are scaled up/down correctly. I will look into whether this could be automated.

Hard colliders size is now also correctly updated to when the radius and length is adjusted. The previous Collider Scale Offset slider (which combined radius and length) didn't work reliably.

Fixed an error in startup due to some installed morphs not being compatible (this was already fixed way back when, but I inadvertently undid that in the previous release).

Fixed an error when loading plugin on person atom that has advanced colliders disabled: advanced colliders are now enabled automatically.

More reliable recalibration: if a recalibration cycle is already ongoing, and another event occurs that requires recalibration, a recalibration is queued and will be run after the first one is done. You can now for example adjust softness first, quickness immediately after, and both will be correctly applied.


Update: hotfix here


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