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Howdy folks. Since the last work priority poll was a tie between adding user accounts and collecting global data for better sorting, I just sorta picked the one I thought would be more fun -- global data collection and piece sorting by popularity. I've been in "research mode" for this the last few weeks but I'm now pretty confident about the approach I'll take, and I'm shifting focus to implementation over the next few weeks. I'll try to share updates along the way.

I also wanted to mention that since running a Patreon is still pretty new for me, please feel free to share any feedback you have to make this a better experience for you. New benefits/tiers, requests for increased/decreased frequency of posts, the kinds of things you'd like to see more/less of, etc. Just want to make sure everyone here feels like they're getting some value out of being a Patron.

That's all for now. Thanks for your support!


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