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Here's another screenshot of the new UI as it stands currently. Sorting and filtering is in, which you can see at the top. Clicking the grey labels will open dropdowns to change the selected filter/sorting. Current sorting options are "release date" (what the site uses now) and "play time." I was thinking of adding another sorting for what was most/least recently played, but I wasn't sure if that'd be useful enough to justify the effort. Would you use it?

I also decided to take my name off all the pieces as it was feeling a little self-celebratory to have it plastered all over the homepage 😅. If I ever host pieces that weren't made by me it will be easy to add back.

I'd love to hear your feedback, even if you hate it. For now, I'm planning on releasing this on Sunday.




It looks great to me! I'd say you could probably hold off on the most/least recently played until there are more pieces to choose from. For me personally, I will favorite 4 or 5 pieces and I'll know which one I listened to last. However, as the number of pieces grows, it may be a handy feature to have down the road.


Yes, I agree, for now, the sorting on play time would meet my needs.