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P4: That kink he accidentally gave her is coming back to bite him... He should really watch his words if he wants to remain able to talk... (35.5 hours. Damn I did a smaller page and it took even longer... Got too artsy with it)

P3: Suddenly burning hot under her fur (wait, did she have fur a minute ago?), and her panting is doing nothing to relieve it... Hmm, maybe her master can help? He is suddenly weirdly appealing... (35 hours. Oops it's starting to go Milked again, let's do smaller pages...)  (An alt with no fogged glass here)

P2: From dog expert to expert dog. She lost pants privileges pretty quick. (25.5 hours, nb) Golden retriever alt here

P1: He came here looking for man's best friend, but wasn't expecting to take home his original best friend! Well, with a few changes... (New series! This one is meant to be a rougher and quicker dog TGTF, like early Milked pages. ~20 hours.) She was almost a red and pink puppy! It was a close thing




Haha interesting concept! Certainly looking forward to seeing where this goes! Great so far!


Thanks. It's the kind of concept you can only do with a bajillion panels, so here's hoping i can keep the art rough and fast


Haha sounds good to me, i can certainly imagine it taking a few different turns if you're going to do lots of panels! Hell, you could even match it up with the milked series with getting some herding dogs haha


Love it, amazing features and storytelling again


I could but i don't think i would. Aside from the drawing effort, one's a tech tf and the other's reality change/magic. Seems like different universes


Yeah that's very true, didn't think of it like that lol. Welp, there's a possible idea for you for a possible future project! Multiple different transformations coming together to form one story line or something lol


I can't wait to see more

keelan burgar

any chance we will get part 2 before the new year?


It'd be too tight, so I'm just gonna draw something short and simple to end the month

Fixy Clary

*giggles at this*

Kitten Caboodle

That thong is just so hot hehe




Wow. Awesome as always. Keep it up❤️


I love how much energy she's got!


Aww, don't worry, your bottom won't be cold for much longer, cute girl! ;)


I love the stories where she stays half tfxd and the dude rolls with it. Ruddy...smoking hot...cowgirl...


Now I wonder what'd happen if he went to the sextoy shop with another friend...


Definitely want to see more of this


It will come. Right after the last birds page probably. But february is gonna be a free pause month (once i finish the damned announcement gif I've been struggling with for 9 days)

Sylvain Barre

If you want to boost your views even more, you should make TFs with My Little Pony characters


Love it!! Can't wait for more but take your time. Do it at your own pace. We'd rather u not burn out trying to get these things done. I honestly enjoy all your work but obviously not at the expense of your health

Kitten Caboodle

Oh that upright posture really does it for me, I really like how you do more standard furry proportions


Love this. It's always glorious when she turns into a perfect anthro girlfriend~

Fenekku Kitsune

P3: That poor dog is getting such a massive tease XD I absolutely adore its reactions. From the expressions to the literal worshipping of her ass! XD


>"Where she stays half TF'd" Ooo... Can't help you there buddy. My girls rarely stop at just anthros


Everyone's so excited for the anthro TF, but I'm all about putting girls on all fours... Awkward


Thanks, might as well do a little comedy with the non sexy drawings

Cyrus Griffin

Interesting for once the source of the transformation didn't specify big boobs as a feature. Guess the friend would just be naturally busty as a woman... Absolutely magnficent work as always Bendzz, looking forward to more with bated breath. Seems like such a hazard of the store, to make it so that collar is just out there, and apparently you only have to TOUCH it for it to transform you...but then again, that might be INTENTIONAL for all I know.


We've been musing about that. Maybe the collar was only supposed to work on dogs but malfunctioned? Oops

Cyrus Griffin

Oh dear. Malfunctioning TF objects so often make things so much crazier. They also tend to be a solid reason why it's irreversible. That also means that if no one realizes there's anything wrong with that particular collar, than possibly ANYONE who touches it might be transformed if they maintain contact with it too long. Oh well, the store would have more dogs to sell...

Bimbo Cow



That last line is 🤌 *chefs kiss* Be careful what you wish for soon to be not Mr. Alpha male


Oh yeah we all know where this is one going. No males allowed around here, sorry my guy


Uh ohhhh~... super hot page! Very excited for the next one!! 👀


Well, I guess they’re making not just one puppy at this point.


And they lived happily ever after....<3

Cyrus Griffin

Fuck, Bendzz, I know he's not gonna STAY male, but you draw males pretty damn good, I'm impressed. I mean, differently than I usually am with you that is. I kinda love how this is such a quick and smooth transformation, physically, mentally, and in terms of reality itself for them. It's like the transformations of reality in a short audio, or a short TV episode with a dark ending, just a steady slide to the bottom. Or, slide INTO HER bottom, at the moment (intentionally badly done rimshot) Very excited to see the next page, never expected things to go this way when I first saw this series, which was back when it was just two pages.

Tim Chapel

Now they are just a couple of stray waiting to me picked up by the pound.


Oh yeah this direction is completely new lol. The original ending I scripted was very different, but around the time of page 3 I was like *Damn I just really want to get him TGTF'd and then both get- Well, you'll see*. And thanks, I'm not very practiced at drawing dudes but it's nice when they work


Yeah. I realized after the fact they're getting it on at the pet shop still....


Will there be a Part 5?


Might be my favorite work of yours


Yeah hope i finish it up sooner rather than later, think i had 2 pages left