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All the dino DNA she could ever need, just within her (and probably even more soon if her hormones are still running rampant when the other raptors find her- It should be a very educational show for the guests!). 

Her buyers would have an endless DNA source... If only they knew she was still locked in the zoo exhibit, unable to work the emergency exits without fingerprints, the guests laughing and pointing at her desperate antics. Too bad the park is so mismanaged that they don't even notice an extra dinosaur. I wonder if she'll continue to change due to prolonged exposure to the spray...

(A quicky to close out the year. I just wanted to mindlessly doodle something with a book going, and we got this! 14 or 15 hours) (I dialed back the shine on this one; here's a more shiny version with the alts)








Why does this turn me on so much? Great work anyway!


this is freakin awesome. great job!


And bingo... Dino dna


I wasn't even expecting it and I am rewarded. <3

Doran Sionnach

Would be great to see her growing bigger. Also, would love to see more dino girls. A revisit of TV Star as a sequence would be amazing. Or maybe Lizzie from rampage.


idk what TV star is. And I generally like my TFs more helpless than big, but ig big could be helpless in the right scenarios, like a zoo

Doran Sionnach

TV Star was one of your early ones where the woman wished to be a famous TV star and pretty much got turned into Godzilla.


Ah that's a really old one. I don't rehash sequences but i could do more dino TF. Hard to say tho, i have so many things i want to do