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Hey, do you like garish eye-stabbing rainbow colors? Do you like owls? Well, then have some rainbowls! Cuz why not? There is, apparently, at least one person out there in the world who has these as a tattoo! 




This picture of an owl against a cloudy sky with a circle behind it, reminds me of a photo I saw many decades ago. It was a B&W photo taken (I think) by a passenger on the Graf Zeppelin, showing the zeppelin's shadow on a cloud bank surrounded by a circular rainbow. It was similar to this photo: https://science.howstuffworks.com/nature/climate-weather/atmospheric/pilots-glory-rainbow-airplane-shadow.htm


I've tried to find that photo, without success. It was in a library book about early aviation history, and the library doesn't exist any more. Apparently the photo has never been uploaded to the internet. Very sorry that I can't share it with you. I think you would have liked it.