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Metamorphosis Survey: Shaping Ambi's Identity – Your Input Wanted

  • Ambi should retain her current body and identity 22
  • Nudge Ambi towards a more bimbo-like beeing with fake curves (not to big) and a slight simpler mind (IQ 120) 91
  • 2024-02-13
  • —2024-02-16
  • 113 votes
{'title': "Metamorphosis Survey: Shaping Ambi's Identity – Your Input Wanted", 'choices': [{'text': 'Ambi should retain her current body and identity', 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'Nudge Ambi towards a more bimbo-like beeing with fake curves (not to big) and a slight simpler mind (IQ 120)', 'votes': 91}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 16, 21, 46, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 13, 9, 0, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 113}


The incredible transformation of Amber into Ambi is now complete, and even Cole has experienced a profound metamorphosis, diverging 180 degrees from his original self. Presently, Ambi embodies an "all-natural" allure, coupled with intelligence (IQ 145) and a discernible appetite, as we've observed.

Yet, my co-author and I find ourselves contemplating a potential shift in Ambi's persona. We're exploring the idea of introducing a touch of the "bimbo-like" aesthetic—deliberately artificial, but not overly exaggerated, with a simpler thought process, albeit maintaining a minimum IQ of 120.

Now, the question beckons: What's your perspective on this matter? Should Ambi retain her current identity, or do you think it's fitting for Jenny to subtly employ her cosmic magic to nudge Ambi towards a more bimbo-like demeanor? Share your thoughts in this survey.


tryhardheavy YouTube 209 club

I really like the options I think both will benefit the story and make it go a different way which is pretty cool but if we're going to be honest here I think everybody is mostly here for option too with some completely fine with I've enjoyed it most of the time you've done it and you've executed very well so I'm not complaining I would like an alternative option though


Which alternative question would you have chosen, Tryhard? To be honest, these were the only questions that occurred to me, but I'm open to suggestions for upcoming surveys.


I hope that she can be more of a bimbo!


Based on the poll results, she will be influenced slightly towards the Bimbo direction, even if only to a minimal extent. :)