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Hold onto your virtual seats, dear audience, because the tale of Amber's wild ride is nothing short of a cosmic rollercoaster! Thanks to Jenny's devious touch, Amber's reality has just pulled off a complete 180. Picture this: only this morning, she was a somewhat under-the-radar streamer, blending a dash of voyeurism with a hefty helping of nerdy charm.

But wait, cue the cosmic dice, set into motion by the mischievous forces of a djinn with a peculiar obligation not to be mischievous to its master. The result? A whole new landing spot for Amber's reality.

Now, enter Ambi – Amber's alter ego, a persona that embraces the pleasures of streaming and delighting in the physical pursuits of others. Sure, she's still got that nerdy core, but now it's a punk-infused nerdiness, seasoned with an unmistakable appetite for all things steamy... and oh, let's not forget, a body that's turned up the heat. When Ambi enters the room, it's like the universe hits pause – all eyes are locked on her, men's minds start a descent into the realm of distraction, and women's eyes often brim with a tinge of envy.

But guess what? Ambi couldn't care less about the envy-filled glances. As long as her voyeuristic streams keep the demand high and her own desires satisfied, the rest is just background noise.

Now, as Cole struggled to decode her signals, Ambi decided it was high time to take matters into her own hands – or perhaps just that one thing. Meanwhile, Jenny's second plan involving the djinn unfolds with precision, and behold, Cole's appearance undergoes yet another change, this time for good. Get ready, folks, because the saga of transformations and desires is far from over!

My co-author Cole and I have already discussed the next steps, and next  week, the excitement continues with three thrilling pages of this comic.  Stay tuned, it's worth it



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