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Around 2 weeks ago I have given you an update why I am confused the last time. Today it finaly happens.

My dad died today, 7 1/2 hours ago at 14 Uhr CEST / 2 p.m.. He was 64 years old, next month (12 January) would be his 65 birthday.

He was not only my father, he was the most important person to me, besides my grandma, his mother. So a huge part of me feels as it has died with him right now. I was the complete time at his side, hold his hand and I feel no shame when I say that I cried like a baby after he had done his last breath.

My friends, when your parents are alive, visit them, hug them and enjoy the time together.

With this sad news I am away for the next weeks. First I had planned some surprise pictures in the next three weeks, but today all strength and creativity left me with one hart hit. I feel empty right now, so I can not finish them.

But for you all out there, no matter where you are living - I wish you a merry Christmas an wonderfull time and hopefully a far better year 2023 then 2022 / 2021 or 2020 was...

See you in January


Cole jones

I'm sorry for loss I hope you and your family will be able to get through this hard point in life. And take as much time as you need to grieve. And crying is not something to ever feel ashamed of it is a part of life and a sign of how much someone ment to us. I know it will be hard but I truly hope you and your family will have a merry Christmas and a happy new year and I hope you all will be able to get through this truly hard time in life.


Mein herzlichstes Beileid. Erhol dich, verabeite und hab möglichst, trotz aller umstände, wundervolle Feiertage und einen guten Rutsch. Heute Abend zünde ich eine extra Kerze an. <3


Praying for you and your family. Good that you were able to visit with him recently.


So sorry for your loss. Take as much time as you need friend


My condolences to you and your family. Take all the time you need.


Take all the time you need to heal. Your community will understand and be here for you


My deepest condolences to you and your family. please take care of yourself

Richard Fennell - Asitex

My deepest condolences to you and your family. Take all the time you need.


I'm so sorry to hear this, my deepest condolences. If you need someone to talk to, you can always come to me.


Terrible new, friend. You have my condolences and a warm salute. I hope you all the best in this dark days, and know that they will pass and you'll come back stronger


Thank you Thrandrall. Yes, it was hard, but I think it was the best I could do.


I truly hope this VIP, right now I just feel terrible empty. But I think that is normal.


I've been in a similar place not so long ago. That feeling is the most lovingly natural feeling. Whatever you need just contact me.


My good friend, this is indeed sad news. I am sorry to hear this and wish you the best. Take as much time as you need to recover.