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It seems that Chad broke an very important rule...but he is a new staff member...maybe he wasn't introduced correctly...well let's see how that turns the tables...

Side Effects Page 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010- 012, 013, 014- 016, 017, 018- 020, 021- 023, 024- 026, 027, 028- 030, 031- 033, 034- 035, 036- 038, 039- 042, 043- 045, 046- 048, 049- 051, 052- 054, 055- 057, 058- 060 



Cole jones

If they do have sex I wonder if she will either change Chad into a woman or into a himbo or maybe change herself unintentionally?


Martin(a) don't know about her ability (yet). Right now everything happen as she is saying, that is why she is under quarantaine (which, as always dosn't worked correctly)

Cole jones

Well whatever happens I do hope either she will get changed more or Chad will.