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Well, many of you may know Q from Star Trek.

I am a very big fan of Star Trek: The original series and The next generation, where Q appeard. Now I got the idea: Why should Q not visit the crew of the good old Enterprise from Kirk? And so He did and I used his Q powers to change Spock, Uhura and Scotty a little for my amusement and for Kirks...and maybe for yours?

What would you do if you would have Q powers for one hour? I thank to all gods that I don't have such possibility's....the world would sink into complete chaos...




A little too big on the proportions, but I do appreciate the puns/ show references they are making, not a big fan of short hair either but not everything can go my way lol. I would say they would be a tad bit more sexy if they dialed it back just a little bit so they looked natural instead of fake.


HAHAHA... This really gave me a good laugh. Nice one :D


It's life Jim, but not as we know it.😄 Now this is more the size I like. In TOS episode "The Squire of Gothos" had a charecter named Trelane, which was Q like.


Yea, I remember that episode. Trelane got punished by his parents by the end of the episode...