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Hey all!

There's a lot to get through today, so let's get stuck right in!

The MAD Cartographer - Frozen

The Frozen Throne

In a cavern carved deep into a mountainside of strange black cursed ore, a powerful Lich plots from his sanctum.  Ominous statues loom to the north, as well as a passage leading further into the sanctum. This map is available in ice and amethyst variants.

Foundry users are able to use the active-tiles module to trigger the outer ring of the platform falling away, reducing the overall arena size as the battle against the Lich intensifies!

Winter's Break

The season comes to an end with calamity - an enormous vortex has opened up beneath a powerful obelisk, tearing the snowy landmass apart. Now, platforms drift precariously over the void, whilst debris whirls overhead. This map makes use of the tile-scroll module to have the vortex underneath swirl, as debris circles overhead. Variants are available for winter, and lightning shrine.

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

Vampire Hunters

Vallaki Vistani Encampment

Located South-West of Vallaki, this Vistani camp is likely the second such encampment your players will visit, following the Tser Pool. This camp is led by Luvash & Arrigal, and the groups’ first encounter with them may be urgent and emotional, depending on whether the group arrive during the search for Arabelle.

We've created a large map, where players are able to enter each wagon, which are furnished and decorated individually, as well as the central tent of the camp. To avoid overcomplicating the map we haven't made the Dusk Elf hovels accessible on the map, but we've created and provided a separate smaller map for the hovel interior! Variants are included for Day/Night and with/without the horses.

Inside the Foundry module, we've also provided a supplement for the Vallaki Vistani Encampment, covering the events and shifting mood within the camp depending on whether the group failed or succeeded at rescuing Arabelle; how this impacts on the larger events of Barovia, and hinting at the relationship between the Vallaki and Tser Pool Vistani!

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.


199 new assets have been added to our asset library, available on pCloud for All the Things tier members! These are a mix of newly released assets from back catalogue themes, frozen assets, as well as some from the upcoming theme in advance! Speaking of which...

We've been due a Pick'n'Mix for a little while now, which is a theme we typically try to visit every 6 months or so to give our artists a chance to stretch their creative legs and throw some maps out that perhaps don't fit into a theme, or our current roadmap of planned themes! The maps from this theme are looking stunning, and you can look forward to sights such as:

  • Young Gem Dragon Lair (with all gem dragon colour variants)
  • Haunted Hospital
  • Sorcerer's Subway
  • Dimensional Rift Library

And much more!

The team have wrapped up these maps, and are already hard at work on the following several themes. We can't wait to share them with you!

Until then...

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!
Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD

Jump To Your Master List: All The Things™ | Vampire Hunter | Starter Bundle



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