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Hey all!

We're happy to release our second wave of Hellscapes maps to you!

Bel's Forge

Deep beneath a blasted volcano lies the lair of a formidable Demon Prince. Day and night, their enslaved Fire Giants toil to create devastating infernal weapons, to cut down both angels and enemy demons, under the Demon Prince's baleful gaze.

This map showcases a fiery forge and space for a combat with several large or huge creatures against your group. Suspended over the lava are several disassembled pieces of a mighty war weapon, which hang as canopy tiles and can be climbed onto by players. The floating throne of Demon Prince is also a floating tile that can be passed beneath, climbed onto, and moved around.

Lava Barge

A massive unholy dreadnought, stitched together from the flesh and bones of some long-forgotten monstrosity, now sails down a river of lava. Perhaps it is ferrying lost souls to their final destination, or maybe it's the war ship of a cabal of demonic raiders!

This complicated map utilises Levels, Canopies, and Tile-Scroll. Characters are able to pass beneath the spine and ribs of the skeleton, or climb on top. Heading into the quarters beneath the pelvis, a flight of stairs take you below deck where the previous crew of the ship haven't yet been cleared out...

All the while, the tile-scroll module has the lava river and shorelines drift by, carrying you further through the Hellscape!

Elturel Chapel

Once a quaint and pristine church in the noble quarter of a city, this church and the surrounding grounds have now been violently wrenched into the Planes of Hell. Trees rapidly wither and demonic portals tear open, as the denizens of hell continually assault the quickly-crumbling Holy Site.

This map includes 2 buildings with roofs that can be climbed, canopy elements for roofs and trees, provides a fantastic location for an unexpected hellish encounter in what is supposed to be a holy place.

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

Module Updates - DM Notes & Splash Screens

We're in the middle of overhauling a lot of our interfaces, logos, and just generally increasing the polish of the content we provide for you. One of the first waves of this is going to be a better-looking style of DM Note, which we've started implementing with Hellscapes. Instead of a Foundry text box tucked off at the side of maps we now have a custom image.

For example:

We'll be gradually working back through previous themes and adding this style of note to all relevant maps.

We're also gradually adding a Welcome Splash Screen to each module, which will appear when you import the content. These splash screens will showcase some of the maps in the module, as well as containing links to news and updates!

We're definitely keen to hear your feedback about these DM Notes, Splash Screens, and any other suggestions you'd like to see on improving the usability of our content!

Shout out - Dungeon Scribe's Tome of Magical Oddities

We'd just like to give a quick shout to our good friend The Dungeon Scribe, who has just launched their new Kickstarter - Tome of Magical Oddities!

"Unlock stories that will forge lasting moments with Dungeon Scribe’s - Tome of Magical Oddities, a 5e Supplement.

Dazzled your tables with over 500 uniquely illustrated magic items, directly tied to cards and handouts for ease of table play.

Enjoy massive cards crafted specifically for ease of reading and featuring quick reference icons."

If you'd like to support the Kickstarter, you can find it here!

We'll be back with more Hellscapes very soon, as well as some other exciting announcements!

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!
Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD

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