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Hey all!

It's time for more Wilderwoods content! If you're here for Vampire Hunter content then remember, we announced last week that this month we're bringing you the deluxe sized Amber Temple which will release in one drop at the end of the month!

Now, back to Wilderwoods!

Goblin Camp

This map brings you a 'classic' goblin stronghold - a crudely assembled palisade and shameful mess of a camp, hastily thrown together around an older stone structure. Tattered lookout towers give the goblins (or bandits, you're the DM!) an advantage when trying to spot approaching groups. Inside the cave to the southeast, a series of pits full of spikes gives the leadership of the camp some creative and barbaric ways to dispose of intruders.

Foundry users are able to pass beneath the bridges and towers, or climb them for a better view!

A Day/Night variant is included.

Midsommar Madness

This map portrays the beautiful site of an imminent wedding, feast, or other woodland celebration; two tents set aside for the bride and groom, lavish feast tables and enchanted rivers surround an altar and portal, ostensibly to a god of nature.

However, the night variant reveals a different tale! Bunting burns, the animals lie slaughtered, and the rivers run red. Worst of all the portal now glows with fire, and demonic tendrils can be seen reaching out!

A Day/Night variant is included, as well as night variants with/without the demonic tendrils reaching from the portal.

Down by the River (by the river.... by the river...)

For this map we've revisited the concept of a player campsite, which we originally touched on with our 'River Camp' all the way back in Forest Wilderness, the third theme we ever did at The MAD Cartographer!

This map is a higher quality, slightly larger version of a campsite, using our modern canopy features for the surrounding tree.

Inspired by games such as Baldur's Gate 3, we wanted to provide a campsite that can grow and reflect your players during the adventure. For this reason, we've produced a low and high level version of each camp; the lower is bedrolls and small tents, whereas the larger version has complex, class-style tents to represent your players!

Variants are included for Day/Night, as well as Low/High level. We've also included blank variants for use with your own assets (see below!)

In addition to the map, we've also included over 60 new modular campsite assets, which included as Token Attacher actors for Foundry users, or assets in your pCloud folder for everybody else! These include:

  • Class Tents

  • Generic Small / Medium / Large tents

  • Bedrolls

  • Campfires & Braziers

The Foundry versions are all created with our usual features in mind for Token Attacher - Campfires that come with realistic lighting & fire crackling sounds, tents that can be entered or climbed on top of etc. The Foundry versions also come pre-shaded for use on a scene, meaning they should look much more like part of your scene, and less like a flat asset dropped onto a map.

We hope you enjoy building your own campsites with these assets!

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

We'll be back next week with more Wilderwoods, more collaborations, the Amber Temple, and the reveal of next month's theme!

Until then...

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!
Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD

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