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Hey all!

It's that third release of the month, so as ever we have a huge amount to get through. Be warned - this will be a bigger post than usual!

Endless Wizard's Tower 2

This is the third push of the month for our Endless Wizard's Tower 2, where we're adding another spread of arcane and magical floors to our Wizard Tower template. These are not linked mechanically in Foundry, so you're able to customize your own configuration of tower! The team had a lot of great ideas for floors saved in the bank, so we'll be bringing you a larger number of maps than usual this month!

Spider's Silk

What wizard is complete without their magical and resplendent robes? And such robes should always be made from obscure and unusual sources; the owner of this tower is no different! A massive enclosure contains a giant spider, who diligently spins enchanted silk day and night ready to be harvested and fashioned into magical cloth.

Not a fan of spiders? Fear not - we've included a variant that has the webslinger out for lunch!


Many magical practitioners end up amassing a varied menagerie of magical creatures, or make a lot of enemies and need to keep some unwilling houseguests occasionally! The beastiary provides an open area full of fairly comfortable cages where beasts or burglars can be housed, under the dutiful gaze of an observation platform or study area.

Foundry users are able to enter the cages and pass beneath the overhead bars, or climb on top and walk above them!

Golem Forge

A magical and ever-burning forge toils away day and night, as enchanted tools busy themselves with the business of assembling defensive golems to protect the tower. This forge contains a huge number of new industrial assets and features, whilst the tile-scroll module allows Foundry users to see the channel of lava perpetually flowing under the bridge.


Every wizard has wizardly wares they're wary of falling into the wrong hands, and so they often take precautions to prevent this from happening. The vault is a series of high-security locked chambers, observation stations, and warded corridors to keep your most precious McGuffins locked behind challenging doors.

 Trophy Room

Looking for somewhere to display mementos and conquests of the fabulous creatures you've mercilessly slaughtered? Did your Barbarian actually manage to harvest the purple worm toxin gland without cutting it to shreds this time? The Trophy Room is a gallery of stuffed monsters and mounted creature heads, allowing your players to reflect on their great deeds. Alternatively, it's a gallery of formerly dead creatures that could reanimate and strike at foolish thieves!

 We hope you've enjoyed this return to the Endless Wizard's Tower. The team are still brimming with ideas and are excited to return to this theme in the future if there's sufficient interest from the Patrons!

With this being the final release of the theme, the 300ppi Map Images Patreon Shop product will go live shortly, which is free to download for members subscribed at the All the Things tier!

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

Vampire Hunters - Death House

Well, we've finally managed to tackle Death House; the impressive and infamous opening dungeon crawl of the Curse of Strahd. Death House spans 6 levels; 4 floors of mansion and 2 extensive crypt floors. Before getting into specific details of the maps, we should break down the variants we've provided for Death House, as the community often runs it in several ways!

  • Death House (Rural) - Surrounded by foliage and trees, as Death House is often run as an isolated country house.

  • Death House (Urban) - Surrounded by neighbouring roofs and a cobble street, as RAW Death House is located in the Village of Barovia.

  • Boarded Windows - Many groups have the windows of Death House get magically bricked up when the house's evil nature beings to manifest. This version has no light coming through the windows, and the interior ambience and lighting of the house is darker. For the Foundry version, the window segments are treated as regular wall. Boarded versions of both Rural and Urban are included.

  • Clear Windows - Without the above. Clear windowed versions of both Rural and Urban are included.

  • Unhaunted Version - This version of the map removes all haunting, corruption, death, and damage from the map - simply being a large and impressive manor home. Unhaunted versions of both Rural and Urban are available.

And of course all of the above have Day and Night variants. The result is that we're excited to be bringing you 12 versions of Death House, and that's before including the 2 levels of basement!

We've brought you Death House in collaboration with a couple of great community content creators. Once again, we've partnered with Lunchbreakheroes  for his fantastic supplementary content that adds more features and events to Death House and its story. We've also generously been allowed to use the original basement "One Must Die" chanting audio from Ziopliukas, who runs the official Curse of Strahd Discord server. This eerie changing echoes and grows louder as you approach the source in the catacombs!

There are simply too many maps to showcase Death House effectively here, so check out the gallery to see all of the images! As ever, we've tried to make our Foundry module as immersive as possible - here are some of the features you can expect:

  • Dining table of delicious food that the DM can trigger being replaced with the true, spoiled version - including sudden swarms of flies.

  • Removable Orb from the Strahd statue in the basement

  • Triggerable pit traps

  • Portcullis in the lower basement can be dropped, creating an impassable barrier unless a character is able to lift it once again.

  • Secret Trapdoors

And more!

Death House has been an absolute labour of love and is a map we're extremely happy to finally have released. We hope you enjoy exploring it!

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

400+ New Assets

With the theme wrapping up, we've now added all of the Endless Wizard Tower 2 and Death House assets to the pCloud asset library, for members of our All the Things tier!

We've also added over 60 bonus assets of fully plated up meals and food items that a member of the team really wanted to make as a passion project this month.


 Next Theme | Crooked

We're very excited to be able to share that our next theme for The MAD Cartographer will be Crooked!

This is a theme we've wanted to do for quite a while, and will feature haunted, twisted forests, creepy woodlands, and condemned locations out in the wilds. Some of the maps include:

  • The Chalice Tomb

  • Abandoned Sawmill

  • Blight-Cursed Lands (Which may seem familiar to some of you with those Darker Urges...)

  • Overgrown Graveyard

And more!


Thanks for joining us this month on what has felt like a bit of a bumper content release! Team MAD are already working on the next two themes after Crooked. We also scheduling the remainder of the official Curse of Strahd maps that are currently missing from the Vampire Hunter tier, and we're already in the initial stages of planning our second Adventure Tier.

It's an exciting year for The MAD Cartographer; thank you for your continued support!

Until then...

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!
Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD

Jump To Your Master List: All The Things™ | Vampire Hunter | Starter Bundle



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