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Hey all!

We're back with more Endless Wizard's Tower 2 content. Let's get started!

The MAD Cartographer | Endless Wizard's Tower 2

As a reminder, this month's theme is Endless Wizard's Tower 2, where we're adding another spread of arcane and magical floors to our Wizard Tower template. These are not linked mechanically in Foundry, so you're able to customize your own configuration of tower! The team had a lot of great ideas for floors saved in the bank, so we'll be bringing you a larger number of maps than usual this month!

Child's Bedroom

This colourful children's bedroom provides a safe sanctuary and place to rest within the wizard's tower. Bright streamers stretch out overhead, a castle backdrop provides a huge play area or the scene of a performance, and a giant and unsettling doll whispers aberrant whispers to lull those near it into an endless slumber. Wait, what?

Foundry users are able to pass beneath / climb atop the streamers, climbing bars, or pass beneath the stage curtains. If the chilling whispers of the doll get too much for your players as they approach, that sound can be disabled with a simple click!

Blood Ritual

Blood Magic is one of the most profane and secretive forms of magick, and the practicioner who resided in this tower intended to unravel every secret of the dark art. This most profane altar of blood shows an ever-leering skull glaring down, as a blood-spattered altar waits for a new offering to be led over from the rusty cage nearby. Are your characters here to prevent the ritual? or are they looking to indulge their Dark Urges and perform the ritual of blood for themselves?

The Hive

Whether it's royal jelly for arcane components, or honey for mana-infused teas, every witch or warlock worth their salt knows the benefits of keeping a hive of magical insects to produce, pollinate, and protect their tower. This floor is no exception - a small patch of enchanted fungus provides nourishment for the insects, and an open balcony allows them to travel out to the surrounding forests!

Variants of this floor are included with/without a cluster of dead wasps/bees.

Serpent Shrine

A spiritual sanctum within the tower, or a place to train and hone one's martial skills? The Serpent Shrine is dominated by an enormous golden snake statue, and a staggered series of overflowing fountains and flowerbeds. A series of powerful weapons, or recovered artefacts, fill the display cases surrounding the chamber.

We hope you're liking how these are shaping up! Next week we'll be bringing you another 4 chambers, as well as isolated versions of all the floors so you can place them on a number of different backgrounds if grass isn't your thing!

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

Vampire Hunters | Death House

As a reminder, this month's content will be the bumper sized Death House dungeon, which will be releasing in one fell swoop with our third release of the month! If you're unfortunately with Death House, it's a 3 floor haunted house with 2 sprawling floors of catacomb dungeon beneath. We're happy to share that we'll be releasing Death House with the following variants, popularly used by the Curse of Strahd community:

  • Village of Barovia (residential) and standalone (rural) surroundings.

  • Bricked up / regular windows

  • A more brightly coloured version for a 'normal' mansion map

  • Day/Night variants of all of the above

Death House will also feature our usual level of interactivity and dynamic tiles - be it for the pit traps, or the drop-down portcullis in the lowest chambers. We're really excited to share it with you!


We'll be back next week with:

  • Part 3 of Endless Wizard's Tower 2

  • Isolated Endless Wizard's Tower 2 Floors

  • Death House

  • A huge amount of new assets

  • And the reveal of next month's theme!

Until then...

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!
Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD

Jump To Your Master List: All The Things™ | Vampire Hunter | Starter Bundle



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