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It's time for our second push of content for this month, featuring more Titan content as well as two Vampire Hunter maps! Let's get started!

The MAD Cartographer | Titan

As a reminder, this month we'll be bringing you a collection of dungeon/encounter maps inspired by World of Warcraft, which all work fantastically as dungeon crawl or adventure maps regardless of whether you're a player or not!

Remember you can fire up the Foundry module to see our More than a Map supplements for each map - providing you with a concept and encounter for each map!


This secluded, underground/indoor dungeon is choked with bones, books, and unholy braziers. Designed as a school of necromancy, it also works as a cultist den or Lich's lair. Secret doors provide access to a profane altar, and the bookshelves in the library provide interesting line of sight breakers for a memorable combat encounter!

This map uses the Levels module to have characters descend under an initial walkway upon entry, providing 2 routes of navigating the dungeon.

Magister's Terrace

A mixture of indoor and outdoor scenes are presented in this lavish manse map, as well as two potential paths for characters to take. The dungeon this map was inspired by has a lot of winding verticality and inaccessible areas, which we attempted to solve by spreading the map out more. Trees, crystal chandeliers, fine drapes and hovering fel crystals create a large number of overhead canopy elements in this map.


A large, fully outdoors map in a desert region. An old ruin has been swallowed up by the sand, and its old walls provide shelter for the new inhabitants. A cave and an old ziggurat are prominent points of interest in this map, as well as a pool of preserved freshwater (complete with ceremonial gong for when you want to stay hydrated)

For Foundry users, the cave and ziggurat both have canopy roofs, as well as a number of the small huts dotted around the map. The walls of the ruin themselves all have a height of 10ft, allowing characters to climb or fly over the walls if they want to avoid threats!

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

Vampire Hunter | Berez Bashups

Today we've taken a couple of our existing maps and heavily modified them to work as Berez encounter locations. Bonus points if you can identify the original maps!

Flooded Village

Berez has several ruined settlements dotted throughout, but these are often reflected in very small maps numbering 1 or 2 buildings. For this map we wanted to provide a larger village sprawl, allowing players to explore the remains of a settlement or potentially fight their way through!

Foundry users are able to pass beneath the trees and under the roofs of the ruined buildings. The guard house and broken tower are both able to be ascended via the Levels module. Variants of this map are included for Day/Night

Drowned Church

An abandoned church is present on the map of Berez, and although the original adventure text only provides a small encounter here many players like to expand it with larger content or more significant encounters.

For this map we've presented a ruined, swamp-swallowed church that is sinking beneath the mire. Scattered belongings are still present inside, suggesting somebody may have been living here more recently! Outside, a small service shed offers a second location to hide.

Variants of this map are included for Day/Night.

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.


We'll be back shortly with our third release of Titan content, more Vampire Hunter goodies for you, and the reveal of next month's theme!

Until then...

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!
Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD

Jump To Your Master List: All The Things™ | Vampire Hunter | Starter Bundle



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