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Hey all!

It's time to kick off April with the first maps from our Titan theme, as well as two new Vampire Hunter maps. Let's get right to it!

The MAD Cartographer | Titan

For those of you who missed our announcement of the Titan theme, this month we'll be bringing you a collection of dungeon/encounter maps inspired by World of Warcraft, which Harrison has spent far too much time playing over the years. Even if you've never touched the game, these maps will all work fantastically as dungeon crawl or adventure maps, spanning a variety of biomes and environments!

The Sunken Temple

An ancient temple in what was once lush forest, now finds itself submerged and drowned at the bottom of a swamp. Overgrown vines snake their way over the walls and floors, but the temple is far from deserted - foul rituals and draconic sacrifice are taking place, hidden beneath the mire that prevents most from accessing the temple.


A long-lost crypt has been commandeered by intergalactic travelers, who have brought their futuristic technology to bear in the sealed tomb. Now the graves have been disturbed to run wires, and huge pylons of crackling electricity illuminate the crypt. This map uses the Token-Attacher module to let players activate or de-activate the electrical pylons.

Wailing Caverns

A long abandoned mine in a desert mountain has found itself unexpectedly filled with life, after an errant mining pick struck a hole into the Fae realm. Now, a torrent of primal life energy has erupted through the wind-blasted tunnels, which suddenly teem with lush flora and dangerous, otherworldly fauna that stalk the corridors in search of a curious researcher or scholar to feed upon. A variant of this map is included without the sleeping druid on an altar.

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

Vampire Hunters

This month we're entering the swamps of Berez, and have doubled down to bring you almost twice as much Vampire Content! We're bringing you two maps today, two new scenes in the middle of the month and another new map and supplement with our final release!

Berez Approach

The cursed swamp of Berez lies to the south of the Svalich Road, and is arguably one of the more treacherous regions of Barovia. The Berez Approach map is intended to serve as a transition map from the forest, with the Svalich treeline gradually thinning out as characters head south, and the environment begins to change to flooded fields and ruined boundary walls from long-abandoned farms. Amazingly though, some of the scarecrows are still pitched in their fields and look in remarkably good condition!

Variants of this map are included for Day/Night.

Marina's Shrine

Tucked away in a secluded area of the fog-choked swamp lies a simple, modest statue to a young woman who died a long time ago. However, it's impossible not to notice the likeness on the neglected statue bears an uncanny resemblance to Ireena Kolyana!
Depending on how deep your group get into the lore of Barovia's history and the optional, community-made supplements that enhance it, Marina's shrine may end up being the site of a random encounter, or a critically important location to unravelling the mysteries of the land.

Variants of this map are included for Day/Night.

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

Reminder: New Patron 5e MADventure!

You may have missed our bonus update a few days ago! If so, check out the Patreon post for details on:

  • Updates to our Foundry content

  • Updates to our DungeonDraft content

  • A new 5e MADventure (APL 10) added to the Patreon 5e MADventure module!


We can't wait to get back to you next week for another batch of Titan maps, and some more Vampire Hunter content!

Until then...

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!
Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD

Jump To Your Master List: All The Things™ | Vampire Hunter | Starter Bundle



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