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Hey all!

We're back with more Undercavern maps for you, as well as a multi-story building for this week's Vampire Hunter release. Let's get to it!

The MAD Cartographer | Undercavern

Myconid Village

A small, organised forest of various towering mushrooms and fungus. Several basic fungal hovels and naturally-grown chairs are dotted around, with thick walls of fungus that serve as locked doors closing off areas. A small visiting trading post lingers on the edge of the settlement, where other visitors to the Underdark can risk trying to trade with the Myconids. Characters in Foundry can pass beneath the large overhead mushroom fronds.

Goldander's Mine

A vertical pit mining operation in the middle of a small deep gnome outpost. the central shaft dug too deep (and some would even argue - too greedily) and awoke a powerful demon. In a panic, the miners collapsed the pit and filled the shaft with rubble, but the fiery glow of the angry demon shines through the rocks below as it digs ever upwards.

Throrgar Chasm

A chasm of dark stone and howling winds, found at the deepest, rarely explored recesses of the Undercavern. Pockets of small fungus amongst the rock, emitting very little light. Enormous steps, carved by unknown masons cut through up and down the chasm. A magic singularity shines with complex runes - is this a portal to somewhere even more alien, or is it the remnants of a powerful ritual?

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

Vampire Hunters


One of the oldest buildings in the town of Vallaki, Wachterhaus is the home of Lady Fiona Wachter. The residence has seen better days, as has its former lord - Lord Wachter died several years ago and his remains have been preserved by his wife within the marital bed! In the basement of the house, a hidden ritual chamber allows Wachter's hidden cultists to congregate. 

Variants of this map are included for Day, Night and with/without the corpse of dear Lord Wachter lying in bed.

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.


That's all for today - we'll be back next week with another drop of content, as well as the reveal of next month's theme!

We'll be back next week with more Undercavern content for you!

Until then...

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!
Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD

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