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chb 15

Help me make videos by donating here: https://www.patreon.com/CodysLab Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/codydonreeder SubReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/codyslab/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CodysLab



1:28 refers to robocody work with "I", oops


Well... remotely controling him does take some work on my part. 😅


I have had some bites where a spider bit me, moved a few mm, then bit me again. Looks like fang marks and can swell up too.


Very cool stuff.


Love the series, keep it up. Buddy is the best.


What a fun damn project. Keep it up Cody, it keeps me from starting my own projects and I'm sure my wife appreciates it!


Really good results on the greenhouse! We also started growing chilis and tomatoes all over the house and roof terrace this year, but with the amount of maintenance and water the tomatoes need I'm not going to repeat that endeavor. The chilis are doing great though, hopes to be a spicy salsa ;)


Electric toothbrush is really good for self pollinating tomatoes. Probably don’t need it though

Peter Guhl

That lawn mower reminded me to Colind Furze's wood gas modification he published recently. Would be something for your place if you run out of gas. Even though burning wood in the desert isn't the most sustainable thing either.

Martin Sona

Every time you do those things for a video where you spend an inordinate amount of time on a physically demanding task I marvel at your work ethic. Mowing the plains or digging a mine just isn't something that would occur to me, but you show how it's done! You're the best role model on the whole YouTube, I wish I had kids to show your videos to.


Dry snake bite yes your cat is very lucky to be alive.


Just wondering, does Robocody have any difficulty recognising fire hydrants and traffic lights?


my habanero plant decided to extremely productive this year (got plenty frozen for whenever need), but out of 2 tomato plants none of the many flowers fruited (i tap on them daily). but my auquaponics system is only like 20 gallons


The thumbnail for this video (or at least the chicken in the opening) would make a great t-shirt design or a part of a larger design for one! Given it’s properly stylized, of course :D


Good episode, is great you thinking long-term.


Great episode. I would also like seeing you stay overnight in the camper. The chicken in the hole was a great thumbnail. Is there any local sources for water? If not, how deep is the water table? Thanks from Patreon, really enjoyed this video.


Greenhouse looks great.


Woah! Is that really you? I don't mean to blindside you on someone else's patreon but your thermite series is amazing. If that's really you then thank you for helping an amateur chemistry nerd get through a shitty relationship by burning things.


Could you use pipes like that to cool water condensers and recycle some of the water that way? Or conversely have a "thin chamber" that cools down as it gets cold outside and push air through there, slow enough that it doesn't actually heat up the thing beyond the dew point. (but too slow conversely produces less water) Of course, it would have to actually be cold enough outside.. Could also condensing water outside https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_well_(condenser)#International_Organisation_for_Dew_Utilization

Kai Christensen

Cody, just wanted to say how much I look up to you man! You’re easily the coolest person I follow on the internet, and I hope you’re doing well and continue to do so for many years to come. Just don’t forget to take care of yourself—don’t work TOO hard, okay?

VeeDragon (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-11 05:38:24 How is Buddy doing aside from possible snake bite? He is such a cute thing. <3
2020-08-17 09:03:51 How is Buddy doing aside from possible snake bite? He is such a cute thing. <3

How is Buddy doing aside from possible snake bite? He is such a cute thing. <3


Robo Cody might want to get a battery powered mower to avoid reliance on refined fuels