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Solubility in Multy Substance Solutions

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I think it's usually spelled multi-salt. :) Neat experiment!


literally put me to sleep (it's been a very long day) the bit with the magnets was too long/unnecessary.


FWIW it looks like you wrote Ch instead of Cl on the second card.


I'm not convinced by your explanation (which may just be my failure to "get" it). If it takes a certain amount of water interacting with each salt molecule to keep it from bonding with others of its kind, why would that amount of water which is doing that interacting with salt molecule A, also be free to interact with salt molecule B? Does this work with any two salts? Is it possible the one salt is more strongly attracted by one side of the polar water molecule and the other salt is more strongly attracted by the other? (I realize both sides / polarities of the water are attracted by a side / polarity of the salt, but I'm not sure these have to be symmetrical.)


Also will the same experiment work with 2 different solutes in a non-polar solution?


Maybe that math PPE would have helped me pass calculus!


starting to train yourself to be left handed?


Maintaining the ability. I try to keep up a 50/50 split. I don’t write by hand much anymore. 😆


That explains why you seem a bit ambisinistrous at the end. Handwriting degrades if you don't use it.