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Picking my teeth with a needle



I hate those dreams😳🤣


Very cool. You are not alone.


Hahahah this was great


Had a dream my dad told me to go brush my teeth and went to go brush my teeth but couldn't find my toothbrush, woke up to find myself in the bathroom looking for a toothbrush I haven't used in two decades


This gave me a good laugh


But did you then go back to bed, or did you doubt yourself enough to stay on the couch where it was safe?

David K

I have dreams like that, but they come in the form of a giant spider (or a bunch of average sized spiders) on the ceiling that drop into my bed.




Whenever I had weird dreams like this, my very superstitious catholic mother would always pull out this weird dream book and try to look up what it meant. It was always very generic like "you're worrying about money" and then I'd have to say, "yeah mom, I'm 14, I'm not worrying about money." Most of the dream things were about money...


the other night i kicked my wall on accident while dreaming, i dont really remember the dream now though


It's becoming harder and harder lately to differentiate dreams from real life...


That's a good one Cody Don. I don't actually remember those all that well. I generally just wake up very confused about something that never could have happened. I just go with the flow and never try to think about them too much. Mostly I am relieved that is was not real. Unless of course it was from another dimension. Humm

Silviu T

That's why I sleep with a metal detector next to my bed. :)


Man the dreams that seem so real are the ones that really get you. Sometimes I wonder if the previous day even happened. Reading about this more and more and seeing more and more people mentioning it, maybe we are evolving or maybe there is some sort of electromagnetic interference which is impacting our thoughts.


hahahahaahahah yeah this is a good one


Ahhahaha! I enjoyed that!


real question is did this happen, or is he testing out stuff for next april fools?


Thats a good one. Had a dream in a old Inn I stayed at for work the other day. Seamed so real but i knew it could not have been.


The weirdest things come up when your brain starts pulling crap out of the back catalogue for dreams.


I once had 4 false awakenings. Each time I’d think I’d woken up, get out of bed, go downstairs and something would happen and I’d know I’m dreaming. Then it started again. I turned a few into lucid dreams. Some dreams can be almost indistinguishable from reality.


Lucid Dreaming and Dream Journals have always been a thing and have been documented hundreds and hundreds of years ago. There's no doubt that watching a lot of TV or looking at your phone all day will impact the way you dream but I doubt that we are 'evolving' in that way. Evolution is not something that happens over decades or centuries but over thousands of years.


This is a cheeky one.


Glad I only dream of tigers and being a millionaire. Never once woke up being confused bout that


Hey, could you do a vid on why steel wool gains weight when you burn it?


This reminds me of the time I dreamt that I woke up, got out of bed, walked over to the bathroom then saw something strange in the bathroom and thought "wtf?" only to then actually wake up. Easily the most disoriented I've ever been. Brains are wild.


I dreamt of having bread in the kitchen, I woke up there was no bread. (I'm french, I guess it's a normal thing to dream about haah)


I've done this type of thing before. Except I dreamt about a water bottle and it's whereabouts were very important for some reason. I just HAD to find this water bottle. I am fumbling with the blankets and at some point I look over at the phone (wall phone, yes I'm old) and I say OHHHH Good! It's on the hook. And I immediately fall asleep. I got this story second hand from my friend who was at my house that night because I completely forgot the whole thing. We were sleeping on recliners after a night of video games and movies. We were kids. Good times.