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Camera survive in pressure chamber?

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your pressure vessel is essentially a pipe bomb! :D

Silviu T

We can fix it! We have the technology!


Cool Project Cody.


After being bamboozled so many times I was completely expecting a fnaf jump-scare when the second pop happened and the light went out

Bob Ogden

Cody you should try some Styrofoam. I've seen some footage of cups sent down on deep sea experiments and they come back shrunk. It was interesting to see how it deformed


I feel like LEDs might survive better. :-)


An empty gopro case might be interesting.


I really liked this test. The oblong shaped light bulb that survived, I wouldn't have guessed that. I would have been inclined to guess the more egg shaped bulb would. Considering how eggs survive pressure. Very interesting test Cody!


The oblong shaped light bulb looks like a landscape bulb. Designed to work outside in all weather for years. Not lawnmower proof, but other than that, pretty tough.

Brian Reddeman

Wow. Could the lightbulb have survived because pressure equalized or did my limited understanding of glass just get blown away? (Pun intended)

Adric Menning

im betting the co2 perminated the acrylic lens. and then made micro bubbles when you released pressure, its also possible that the pressure is actually squishing the diaphragm in the switch, much like how the puff switch works in a e-cig, replacing the switch with metal contacts to touch may work better in environs like this.

Adric Menning

or make a pressure pipe with a usb cable in it so you can both power and trigger/view remotely.


I said this on YT, but I just became a patron so I figure it's worth mentioning here as well. The red light may be partially responsible for the focusing issues. The Bayer array on camera sensors has twice as many green receptors as it does red or blue, so using green light would theoretically be twice as effective as red light, but white light is twice as effective still. There are small white "keychain" lights that would be nice and small to fit inside the pressure vessel. Amazon has some called a "buck light" because they're a dollar each, otherwise they should be in the automotive section of most department stores.

Mark Trombley

Interesting. I wonder what a small egg would do if you left it pressurized long enough to absorb co2.


Hi Cody! I don't know if this is a good place, but I might have a suggestion for some future video... I've read quite a lot about the possible dangers related to oxyacetylene torch - that mostly includes oxygen vs. grease, dirt, etc. on the high pressure side, acetylene being sensitive to high pressure, friction, high temperature, and, on the other hand being fairly unstable under low temperatures (liquid, solid acetylene), forming explosive substances upon contact with copper, silver (and, of course, with your beloved mercury :D) - could you possibly make a video with some controlled experiments summing up the above mentioned dangers? I think that could be quite interesting, especially for people like me who have only heard about them, but never saw what actually happens under such circumstances. Thanks a lot and keep up the good work :)

Nani Isobel

I like how you're trying this out and we get to see what happens too. Thanks!


Putting oil in a metal pipe and then opening a bottle of oxygen into it is something I would like to try!


I would love to see you get a pressure vessel that lets you have a view port with an external higher quality camera. High pressure experiments seem to be few and far between on YouTube.


Lights, Cameras, Implosion!


Hey Cody. Have you thought about trying to float pieces of lithium metal in sulfur hexafluoride at high pressure? SF6 at 800 PSI should be dense enough to float lithium.


Sf6 reacts violently with lithium. I’ve gotten sodium to float on xenon though.


Do you have tape of sodium floating on xenon?