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I finally got around to getting the halon out of the fire extinguisher. 


Halon Transfer

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Haha, I have to know where you got that shirt from! Very cool video! (Pun intended)

Jamie Magin

Not sure I'd intentionally breath it, but it's weird that people think Halon is toxic when it's nonreactive at room temperature. I think it's because Halon has traditionally been used to describe all sorts of chlorinated fire-fighting compounds, including the very nasty carbon tetrachloride. :)

U.S. Water Rockets

Is it me or is the audio in the intro really messed up?


pouring air to put out fire. You should put just that clip with no sound up then the rest of the video. No reason other then fun. Nice work on the video.


I would like to see halon interacting with different liquids. For example could you make a better frobscottle with it?

Nani Isobel

Very nice video. The boat was cool all by itself.


is the process for neutralizing halon (to protect the ozone layer) interesting? all i can find is a bunch of places that want to buy/store/sell the stuff, which seems like a way to guarantee it will eventually be released anyway, just maybe on a longer timeframe.


If it has not been done, a video on the chain reaction leg of the fire square would be interesting. Maybe start with a vacuum with a spark in it and them add flammable gas till you see what pressure it takes for a fire to start.


good idea! I might try it with a candle in pure oxygen and see what pressure is needed to light it.


It is a great shirt. I wonder if Cody created it himself...