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Bogus Coppyright Claim?

Youtube's algorithm is at it again.



Well I'm certain parts of the song are silent, so obviously there would be a match there. Probably someone f-ed up writing the match finding algorithm and forgot to ignore silence or something.


Can't watch right now, but if someone has illegitimately striked one of your videos (and you are certain you're not actually infringing their rights - if you are and they sue you, it'll cost you a lot) you can file a counter notice and youtube will reinstate it, no questions asked. The person who filed the claim would then have to go to court if they wanted to maintain it. Also, if someone is harassing you by striking your videos, *you* can sue them. Making fraudulent DMCA claims is a felony.


I've gotten copyright claims on videos younger than the claimed song before too. (Also it was a gaming clip, so the song was in violation of the game's copyright anyway). It took a few months but they reviewed it and removed the copyright claim m


Yeah, Youtube are such douches bags. I would not fight it. Just if you have to go somewhere else like others are doing. They like control a lot.


Youtube is so broken and badly managed. They give a shit about their creators and some day, people will just go somewhere else.

Anthony Le Breton

This would be very frustrating. Stupid sh*t.


Having never worked at Google I don't know the exact specifics of the content matching but I'm guessing the new, incorrect match is because of a recent code change being testing "in the wild" that changed the threshold for DCT matches in the audio.


Will you post this on Youtube to show them who is boss. LOL that would be funny.


Patreon should look into video hosting, since the vast majority of demonetized YouTubers use this. I just demonetize Alphabet with adblocker.


Unfortunate you can't sue them back. Youtube claims are *note* DMCA claims. That's why they get away with incorrect claims all the time.


It seems people are flagging your videos out of malice or spite, aside from the poor algorithms youtube is using to flag content.

Silviu T

I'm actually surprised I never got any strikes on the only video I ever uploaded to youtube, a clip of a flying eagle that I made and uploaded about 12 years ago. It contains violence (at some point the eagle suddenly dives and catches a fish) and also there's a wooshing sound due to the wind. Someone must have copyrighted that sound since.


That claim is bullshit. You are clearly ripping off 4'33"! All your videos have parts of that song in it, Youtube should absolutely ban you for massive copyright abuse! /s

Thor Strange

Hey Cody I would love to see it would be demonatize if the was called black powder insted of gunpowder...

Brian Reddeman

I could NOT watch that video btw. Just....gaahhhh... my finger. :) Btw where is the geology series? I need a good Carboniferous geology fix. I need my geology man. I'm getting the shakes. :) Need science videos... more... science.


Cody, you could always use different names for Gunpowder. <a href="https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/gunpowder." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/gunpowder.</a> Here's a list of them. You could choose one, then post it for us. Then we'll know what the word is for Gunpowder. 😉


Joined your patron just out of spite with this bogus copyright crap!

Alexander Thomas

It is possible there is enough noise in that silent part of the video that there is some sound after all if you crank up the volume. Pattern matching algorithms are eager to find false positives in random data (well, just look at humans, they also suffer from this problem). So this is probably just another case of artificial stupidity.

Brian Reddeman

There is a lot out there on YouTube that uses the word. Consistency in the rules is the real problem.


Is this the song in question? Not trying to dox or anything, it just seems like the "publishing company" is trying to use negative publicity to drum up eyes and attention. "There is no such thing as bad publicity." <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS6e0wQG6Rw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS6e0wQG6Rw</a>


Hey that's the first video I ever saw from you


I subscribed after I saw that video. That takes a strong will to do. I've been happy with the channel ever since.


But there are no real alternatives! Welcome to the free market of effective monopolies.


Well. That right there is some pretty damning evidence against *something* YouTube is doing. I've heard about the flak you get from them before, but as far as I remember (imperfect memory, mind you), this is the first time I've seen them give you a plainly incorrect problem. I mean, saying 'silence from previous in time' = 'song made at a alter point in time' is blatantly, objectively false. I support your efforts to appeal in the name of truth and causality, and it makes me wonder, is there any possibility you can get through to talk to a human at YouTube? I mainly mean to possibly discuss the issues at large, rather than a specific appeal, since computers are notoriously bad at handling subjective cases like these.

Nani Isobel

This is why "innocent until proven guilty" is so important. People realized that "guilty until proven innocent" was stupid. youtube hasn't learned that lesson yet.


Please excuse my gratuitous comments yesterday. I was covfefe'd while in charge of a keyboard. And with that he was gone


Bunch of hagswattle!


Copywriting "silence the musical" It will be 24 minutes of absolute silence.