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Which one has the pain relieving properties?


Identify Wild Lettuces

I show the difference between two common types of wild lettuce.



Any more news about your "weeds" problem?


oh yeah, they made me mow them though I did save a few of the best plants so the seeds can fully mature.


This was the best description of the difference between these two wild lettuce varieties Cody. Not even any information books have been as good. Thank you for teaching me the difference. Now I know this plant is useless to help my pain relief, unless I have absolutely ~no~ help. 😉


Here are hundreds of these wild lettuce plants on the pathway along the fields nearby... never knew what to do with them

Kevin Faccenda

Do you know the scientific names of the two species of lettuces?


The devil's lettuce


Hey cody, I got a good video ideea. could you try to gold plate a gun or something like that? i think it would look cool

Brian Reddeman

Plant identification requires some real experience to determine what actually has real nutrional value, won't cause an allergic reaction, won't kill you slowly without preparation, won't kill you slowly period or kill you outright. So this was really neat. So many wild plants out there people overlook.