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I ended up re-filming most of the video, let me know what you think. 


foil thermite 2

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Love the nanolightsecond and other rarely used units :D And the plywood metaphor is great!^^


The light shining through the growing crack in the crucible look really cool.


That was SO much more impressive. I, too, loved the way the crucible cracked and you could see the glow shining through. So pretty! The nanolightseconds made me laugh out loud. :D

Brian Reddeman

Thermite roasted Marshmallow! +100 pts for "Luminum" ;)

Brian Reddeman

Wonder what'd happen if you packed it into cored out piece of Charcoal. Insulator and carbon exchange.

Silviu T

Much better than the first video.

Silviu T

There is actually a guy on a bladesmithing forum who has been doing exactly that. The has designed an installation where iron is generated by thermite in molten form in a conical crucible, pours down through a zirconia porous filter which separates the iron from the slag into a lower crucible; the lower crucible is enclosed in a refractory chamber pre-heated with burning charcoal; there are alloying elements inside the crucible and carbon, in pre-measured amounts. It allows him to make steel with a pretty precise amount of alloying elements in his backyard. From scratch. Including exotic alloys, such as niobium-tungsten-vanadium steel. One day I'm going to try that too.


The steel wool twirly spark effect spun on a wire above your head can be enhanced by wrapping in aluminum foil in with the steel wool. It will create the thermite reaction and send large white burning aluminum sparks/mini reacting white hot molten blobs out with the orange/yellow steel sparks. No one has done this on Youtube yet that I know of. I think I was the first to try it back in 2003. I don't tell that many people about it because the hotter larger aluminum foil sparks can cause fires easily where the steel wool sparks won't so easily. I don't want that karma, but hey if you want to take on the karma Cody, go for it. But if you do that does it mean that I still take on the karma for you doing it? Hmmm. Use 0 or gauge not 000 gauge, the air gets in better with the more coarse steel wool. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJkBLMhXvcQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJkBLMhXvcQ</a> this tutorial shows you how to do the steel wool, but you'll get white streaks in the photographs with the aluminum as well as orange/yellow ones. PS, I still have that pallet of lightweight kiln brick in Richmond if you need some. Message me through patreon if you ever do.

Nani Isobel

Yes, yes. Betterer.


Haha, you did end up rolling one. Nice!


Also, slurrying the rust was a great idea!


Loved it. Much better than the first one!


Really reminds me of the mythbusters hindenburg experiment. I'd love to see some footage of the non crushed foil burning.

