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Here is the 2nd draft with the IRL discussion added. 


driving on mercury 2

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I posted this questing on the last video a few hours ago but I was wondering if you could use oobleck and make it as dense as mercury and drive on it? Maybe make a pool in the shape of a donut and drive around it Lol would be much safer than mercury right? I'd love to see this and I'm sure other people would too.


No offense, but the fact that it's not oobleck is why I would watch it.


Let's leave the oobleck to "The King of Random" and the "Backyard Scientist." The mercury videos have been incredible.


Great to learn about the difference with your truck and the RC bronco Cody. Thanks for taking time to teach people stuff.


A wonderful demonstration of the clumsiness and awkwardness of US/Imperial measures. Please add metric subtitles for the rest of the world.


So I still use imperial because 75% of my audiance is from America and 15% is from Britain.


I like this version better.


im with you, i wouldnt have been as interested if it were oobleck in the beginning in that tiny bucket. I just think it would be a good follow up to this if acquiring/building an apparatus to drive a regular vehicle on wasnt possible with the mercury.


Sinking adds more drag, especially when it comes to the differential, but it also makes more of the driving wheel being in contact with the liquid. I'm not really sure which ones of these contributions wins out in the end, but it might somewhat make driving easier. When it comes to steering, this time, sinking the wheels more will for sure make things better, since there is more control surface available.


As cool as it would be to see a full-sized car floating on mercury, cleaning it all out would probably be a real chore. And you'd want to take a full elemental inventory of everything going into the mercury to avoid an amagalamity, which is a calamity caused by amalgamation.