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Here is the full video on the main channel, although I do plan to update next year. 


Cody's Frankentrees

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Thanks I'm struggling with cherries. A little info goes a long way keep it up.


I had almost forgotten about your aquaponic system, have you done anything new with that? I'd love to get an update


How's the garden going this year? Still too early to plant?


Time to take over the grove! Free Choke Cherry root stock.


The transition slide had "approximately" spelled wrong FYI. Very well done, though. Glad to see the aquaponics system had survived the winter.


Interesting if this grew into a full tree and fruit grew would it be a cross between Choke cherries and cherries? I think not since its graphing and that not injecting DNA of two species tho.

Brian Ullmark

I had a cherry tree with 8 varieties on it (I did not do the grafting) - - unfortunately the birds always got them before we ever did.


it would be the normal fruit, might have a different taste though.

Silviu T

That is exactly what I have to deal with. I have planted several cherry trees on my property over the past 8 years, both sweet and tart varieties. The birds always eat all the fruits as soon as they begin ripening. I tried many things, netting, electronic devices etc to no avail. This year I'm trying a method a buddy told me about. Basically I'll hang old CDs on ropes among the branches. The shiny moving reflections are supposed to scare birds away. We'll see. I'm open to other suggestions though.


I tought the more close the "subspecie" the harder the graf is to take. It might exlpain about the chockcherrie issue. But I never read any clear explanation about why it is like that.

Brian Reddeman

Plants are pretty tolerant of grafting especially the closer they are related even at the Family level like Solanaceae. The more recent the divergence the more likely they'll be compatible. I've done classic grafts of citrus, the fun graft of Potatoes and Tomatoes. I didn't have any luck grafting A petunia branch to a tomato branch though. :)


After more research, it seem I was totaly wrong. From High success to low success: whithin clones>between clones>whithin species>between species>within genera>between genera>whthin families>Between gamilies>between monocots. Sorry for the scew up.

Silviu T

Still waiting for someone to make tomacco (Simpsons reference)

Brian Reddeman

Hmmm tomacco...Just think if animals were would easily accept grafts with immunosupression. "Oh that really is a peach tree growing outta my head. I was thinking about adding pecans."


Any time I hear "grafting" it reminds of the children's book Miss Hickory by by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey. I was in the 4th or 5th grade so it was either 1978 or 1979. That was the first time I had ever heard of such a thing. It's a fictional children's book so, at the time, I didn't think grafting was a real thing. LOL!!