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First Sting Of the Year!

I got stung by a bee for the first time this year



It feels somewhat wrong to give a "like" to a video like this. That has got to hurt like a MF. Anyway, cheers and keep up your awesome work Cody :-)


That has got to hurt


Ever been stung in the... nether areas?


Cody you're smart guy we will support you on patreon no matter what you do I would say take advantage where the advantage can be taken with YouTube


I think you should do whatever you want. I love your videos, and enjoy watching them, but you got to do what makes you happy. You don't owe anyone anything.


So here I am working my tail off, stressed about finishing my work. And, then, an email from Patreon titled "CodyDon Reeder posted I got stung under the tongue!". I said to myself, out loud, "No, I've got to finish my work". Then, seconds later, "Wait! What? How? Darn it! Click-bait!". I watched it and I am still trying to understand how that bee got under your tongue in the first place. Anyhow. I can see the appeal of two channels. One for science and one for fun. Plenty of people flock to your channel for science and personality. I did! And, although interspersed videos of random ramblings can be fun, they may also detract. I agree with the other commenters. Do what you think is right. Either way, people will still watch your videos. Your vids are probably some of the best content on the internet. (Btw. Super sad you had to remove videos from your channel because of Youtube...)


I think keeping the second channel open as small side things that don't take any or a lot of editing would be nice, but the major things, gardening, mine, science stuff should be on the main channel for now.


one thing I like about your videos is that slight vloginess (that's not a real word, I know) in all of them, that's a part of your charm, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one thinking that. so if posting on the main channel brings you an extra couple of bucks - just do it.


Posting apiary videos to CodysB(ee)lab seems just a little too fitting lol. Seriously though, If you were able to segregate your content in a logical and intelligent way (which I have no doubt you could achieve) between two channels, wouldn't you be able to attract additional subs to a more vlogy organic channel? It would be twice the work (at least)... But maybe better funding as well? Honestly though, we are all gonna search out your content, regardless of what channel it gets posted too


What happened to your hand, it looks splotchy in the end when you wave


I think it would make sense to put anything educational on the main channel be it more physical science (chemistry, physics, geology, etc) or natural science (biology (Bees!), gardening, and so on). There's going to be some grey area (fume box construction for example), but throw them up on the main channel anyway. Most people will enjoy those types of videos if they like the rest of your content. One of my favorite bee videos was the honey festival video of you selling honey. Maybe keep bLab as a backup and feedback/direction videos.


The more money you make the cooler the videos, alls I gots to say


I don't know if this means anything, but I watched an ad when I opened up this video in the mobile app


Can you get proof? Screen cap and send it to me?


Cody, I suggest you put anything you want to all on one channel. Make it an all around channel all about you, your hobbies, chemistry, bees, mining even your interest in Mars & rockets. People here on your channel are here because they enjoy all of these things. And us Patrons especially enjoy all of these things. I do suggest you have an intro and outro made or make them for your channel. It will add a bit more professionalism to the channel. Love your channel Cody! 💞


Go with one channel.


To me it makes no difference if your content is split up in several channels. I would watch it all.

Brian Reddeman

Lump it all on one channel. Change up your intro "Cody's Bees" for example. I find all your topics interesting; lots to learn from. Can you categorize them? Something like "Bee Keeping Series" "Mining Series" "Geology Series --maybe split that up into subtopics since Geology is one crazy huge list of topics... :)


I agree that you should put it all up on the one channel, at least as a trial, with a different intro e.g. "welcome back to cody's garden" or "welcome back to cody's bees", and ask for feedback on the main channel, as they are the main audience, not us




I think you should upload on the main channel. I enjoy all your contents. It's not all about what you talk about in the video. It's about the way you know how to make the topic interesting. Maybe put up an intro explaining that everything will go on to the main channel until the situation is resolved. People will understand and can provide feedback on how they want it to work in the future.


Luv you Cody. V for Vendetta


All main


I think you have more dedicated followers than you have visitors interested in a piece of science content. I think you should do 1 channel.


Cody, just do what you want ;)


If going with the single channel approach. What about color coding the types of videos in the thumbnails. For example a orange thick border for chemistry, green border for garden stuff, yellow for bees? etc ;)


Hello Cody, I am sad to say that I don't have the means to support you here on Patreon (yet), although I still have a suggestion for you. I've been learning a lot about asteroid mining as of late, and plan to eventually begin an asteroid mining company of my own once I've completed college. With this in mind, I was watching a gold refining video of yours, and the thought came up "if he's needing to evaporate most of the solution, I wonder if vacuum evaporation would make it easier in space." So my though is that you might try refining some metals in your vacuum chamber, to see how that goes. Also (I hope you don't mind this) I do intend to create a youtube channel similar in nature to yours, but focusing more on chemistry and technology in space. Would you have any advice on where to start? Thank you for your time and getting people excited about science.

Programmable Spacecraft

So is being stung on the tongue a subtle metaphor for your YouTube experience?? You've gotta build up resistance! Anyway, good luck with it all. Love your videos!


I think whatever is financially viable, but at the same time not diluting the quality of your content is the best way to go about it. I'm subbed to both channels since I enjoy your content regardless, but for many folks, I think they prefer the science aspects more. My 2 cents is to just post vlogs to your BLab channel and the others to your main channel for the clicks. Since your main channel is so big, I think it's better to just stay fairly neutral on the channel, whereas on your BLab, you can talk more from your own perspective on things since it is more of your personal channel.