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I wanted to test out al chemical process to see if could extract uranium from ore. Looks like it was a success; this is what I got from about a marble sized piece of ore.  

After drying it out I ended up with ~.1 grams of  uranyl peroxide which shows about 1000 cpm through the glass vial. 




So happy to see a a new radioactive element video. I just imagine it could be heard doing experiments with them without contamination.


Where's the chocolate icing?


Any potential legal issues, or do those come up only when you start enriching?


Lol. You're going to end up on a government list! I love it - looking forward to the video.


Am I on a Homeland Security watch list now for paying money to support this effort?


Was this from that one super rich sample?


Good work LOL!! Someone else did this with 2550 g ore and made only 5.0 grams of Uranium. Is what you are doing legal? I don't want to see you on a FBI watchlist LOL! (Joke).


Wow! Super cool. I love seeing what you extract from ore Cody!


no it was from one of the medium grade samples. I dont think I want to ruin that nice rock.


The key for proper refining of Uranium rock into Uranium oxide yellowcake is a potent 5000 rotation per minute centrifuge they are like 70 dollars US. This with the centrifuge tubes and acid (HCl) then converted into Uranium bicarbonate may give variable yeilds. You need plastic that can tolerate Chlorine gas too (just like refining gold) could use a centrifuge to increase yeild. Pyrex centrifuge tubes are preferable. Thus after adding the chlorine slowly to HCl with Uranium ore the centrifuge force would help you get Uranium yellow cake.


However with Rocks of Uranium ore they say Illegal to extract but Legal to own. I am giving theory that is used to enhance percipates of Lead, etc form samples. If the Uranium is in Quarts then hydrofluoric acid and baking soda, etc must be used to produce weak NaF. An easer route to avoid the extremely toxic and scary HF is Lye with the ore. It when heated with glass should give a sodium Uranium silicate salt which may be seperated with acids.


I assume a few grams of Uranium ore would be legal but more than that would require a Permit from the Atomic Energy Department.


Super neat. My previous job was industrial radiography, always love learning and watching things that have to do with radioactivity.


Really cool i thought they used ammonia to refined uranium? Be neat to see it in metallic form.


In SA yellow cake is a restricted substance. Be careful with that stuff and maybe check if you are allowed to have it in your collection?


Lol Cody. I know you liked Scott Manley's video, but he warned you it must remain academic. (That was really fast tho) Don't go Nuclear Boyscout on us... Like, You should totally not enrich it.... *wink wink*... And you should even less make a neutron source and breed it into plutonium *wink wink wink*


What is CPM btw? I assume Curies per minute? Edit : Never mind it's couts per minute. Curie is already counts per second.


counts per minute <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counts_per_minute" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counts_per_minute</a>


uhm, do your thing, you know what you're doing. Just don't poison yourself. Well, you do that on a pretty consistent schedule, so maybe don't poison yourself TOO much?


What was his starting WEIGHT of the Ore? Be very careful not to inhale that radioactive dust. GOOD LUCK.


You should build a small power plant.

Mark Rose

What did you do with the impurities?


Cody, can you make a molten-salt reactor. I love your videos using things that are laying around. You are not using fancy lab equipment doing this. I love this.


It'd be neat to see you do different shielding, perhaps some leaded glass?


Well, after an hour of searching through different legal codes, all I can find is that as long as Cody doesn't try to make a bomb, irradiate the earth, or otherwise harm people or the environment with it, his uranium should be perfectly legal. I very well may have missed something, though, so... Just be careful.


Cody, Vidme is Shutting Down :<a href="https://medium.com/vidme/goodbye-for-now-120b40becafa" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://medium.com/vidme/goodbye-for-now-120b40becafa</a>


*sigh* Cody, this is exactly what Scott told you _not_ to do.


FYI, William osmans home burned down, and there is a gofundme running to get him back on his feet (and/or patreons are doubling their pledge for a while) <a href="https://www.gofundme.com/osmans-fire-relief" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.gofundme.com/osmans-fire-relief</a> the reason i'm posting this is that other youtubers have made short videos about this, just like when codys channel was suspended, so i guess this might be in the spirit of "homemade educational youtubers"


Nothing is quite as good as homemade baked goods.


How much Uranium ore will you extact Cody within the Legal amount without a costly permit and will you post this on youtube? 0.1 grams Uranium oxide out of 3.0 grams = 3.33% which is pretty Impressive!!


Have you thought of buying a special CENTRIFUGE to get more Uranium oxide U3O8 by that method? It would probably give you a sign better yeild.


Hmm Uranyl peroxide you really should extract it further with centrifugation if you have the money and time.


This Just In: Trump tweets about upcoming sanctions on Cody but states he's willing to talk if Cody can drop his covert nuclear program.