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well this turned out to be an interesting experiment. with the title "killing our turkeys" and posted in education category the video was immediately removed. with "shucking turkeys" (like corn) and put into people and blogs the video has so far remained up. 


Shucking Turkeys

Dressing our turkeys for thanksgiving



You gotta choose Newspeak compliant titles nowadays. 🤫🤐


You have to call it "hunting" or "eradication" apparently... <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89UliEiQQyU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89UliEiQQyU</a>


Call it "recycling turkeys" :-)


Or counting feathers off a turkey


Good vide


Very interesting video. Seems like a forgotten trade. Keep it up.


Something needs to be done about YouTube. You could improve the video by adding information about the anatomy of the turkey stating the function of the organs that you remove and what is edible and what is not.


So which change do you think worked? The title or the different category..


So the problem is with YouTube and not with the fact that there are people who post animal cruelty videos and the audience for them? So yes, labeling the video appropriately probably helps. Interesting video.


Happy Thanksgiving!!! Thank you again for another great video. It appears that your dad is a man of few words.... more of a “doer” than a “talker”. My dad is the same way. It’s great that your family works together in the processing of food. We had just completed our firearm deer season here and we process our harvest as a family, from my dad to my 9yr old daughter. There is a sense of comfort knowing that we can survive without having to get all of our meat from a market. Keep up the great work!!!


Is the bleeding out still legal in the USA? I think here in Switzerland they get shot in the head with bolt, but bleeding forbitten. This is a problems for some religions.. I have to ask around how it's done here. Nice video, I normally don't think about the work when I go to the supermarket.


Most people in the West have completely forgotten that meat comes from animals we kill. Jesus.


If I understood wikipedia correctly, EU regulations stipulate that the animals should be stunned before they are killed. Bleeding out seems to be the main cause of death, though, shooting a bolt through the brain is technically only stunning.


If this was meant to be an educational video you failed to provide justification as to why this was the way you chose to slaughter the turkey. The expected way of killing a turkey was to chop its head off, and the body wanders around for a while. What benefit does this method do? Is this more humane in some way? Does this reduce pain or toil in some way?


The point is that you don't have headless fowl running around the place spraying a fountain of blood all over everything (which is what happens when you let it "wander around for a while").

Chuck Lynch

I figured a nice quick death would be preferable like with most other animals. Allowing them to bleed out like that gives them a chance to flood the body with adrenaline, making the meat more gamey than it needs to be. That's just what I've heard from a few old hunters, I've not done any of my own research.


Really interesting! I find it more humane than slauther house personally.


Well folks that’s how the turkey gets on the table. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Cody.


I grew up in the country and killed and cleaned a lot of different animals in my life. For me at least, it gives a better understand and connection to where my food comes from. It make me appreciate more what goes into feeding my family.


The only problem I have with this transaction is : the camera.


Maybe preferable for the animal, but if you do it the traditional way and you don't have the machines they uses to suck the blood out, you need the heart to be beating to pump the blood out in order for the meat to be consumable by humans. We could probably eat blood gorged meat in a pinch, but it would be awful. It would also spoil very fast.


Incredibly violent and gruesome, and yet this type of thing is done to all meat we eat. Its sad theres such a disconnect and there are people out there who will legitimately think "You hunt!!! your horrible!!! why dont you go to the grocery store for your meat where no animals were hurt". Id love to start hunting but dont know where to start. now ill proceed to eat some leftover turkey...


I found this interesting because I've seen turkeys slaughtered but I haven't seen the gutting process. Cleaner than I thought it would be--big organs! Echoing an above commenter, I'm also curious about this killing method--bleeding out vs decapitation. I'm sure there's a reason... but what is it?


See I wouldn't call it violent, though. Gruesome sure, but not violent.




Is that blood splatter on the lens? ahahahah


At the farm where we get chicken they have a large rotary device with cones the birds go into he cones and their neck gets cut they bleed out. It has baffles so none of the other birds can see a bird get killed. He told me this if for religious custom. You can find several videos of killing cones online. My Southeastern Kansas two cents.


Perfectly natural, eat or be eaten.


Depends on what "west" you mean. In Western Culture (modern European, US, etc), sure, many have, but in alot of western states (and midwestern and southern) we still know because we raise livestock and/or hunt. It's still very much a part of our culture to know the processes all of your food goes through and the work it takes.


This video shows that Cody isn't here for just numbers. He knows it will cost a few subscribers but a lot of us will find it interesting and it adds to content variety.


Turkeys grow on vines in plastic wrappers, the farmers come along with pliers and just crimp the bags closed...


Happy Thanksgiving!


I found this very interesting. Having lived in cities my whole life I never really thought about how slaughtering is done. Quite cool, and it puts my heart at ease seeing how humanely its done. Still don't think I could watch another video like this again though :0


Cool! Never seen a Turkey Shucked! I can't believe the idiots removed this educational video! No youtube has no balls!