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im back!

Strike removed I guess its back to regularly scheduled videos. :) Thanks to: AVE: https://www.youtube.com/user/arduinoversusevil Keystone Science: https://www.youtube.com/user/hobcoman BigClive: https://www.youtube.com/user/bigclivedotcom Isaac Arthur: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZFipeZtQM5CKUjx6grh54g (if I've missed someone be sure to let me know so I can add them to the list) Another big thanks to those that created backups for me and to anyone that helped spread the word. and now for the usual links: Help me make videos by donating here: https://www.patreon.com/CodysLab Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/codydonreeder SubReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/codyslab/ Vidme: https://vid.me/CodysLab



ElectroBoom mentioned you in the most recent video too. Maybe do a little annotation shout out to him too?




Now we want to see Kerbal Space Program let's plays, though.


You forgot about the Smart Resampling thing again tho :P


Figured the microwave video would have been an issue. Good for you man and good lookin out Fans! Thanks for that Microwave video actually helped me prove some points to my colleagues, and relearn some facts about Aircraft HF antennas. 👍🏼


Great to see that you're back! William Osman also shouted you out at the end of his "Making a Thor Costume from Memory" video: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AplZl1Pavmw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AplZl1Pavmw</a>


You should record a video, for future use should this happen again. Something like" This means that my channel was flagged againg, see description for more info". Glad to see you back Cody!


good to see you back

Chuck Lynch

Does that mean you will get a second silver play button for your backup channel now that it is over 100k subscribers? Even though there are only two videos on it?


Nice to have you back. Hopefully, you won't get into this situation again. This algorithm is pretty harsh.


I can't believe people get upset about frying an grasshopper! Guess living in the middle of the country is different then the edges! Glad your back


I guess you didn't realize, but in the description of your redone microwave video with the grape and fruit flies, you actually linked the grasshopper video. That's how people would have found it. I'm sure some people shared it from patreon but it's unlikely those people would have flagged it.


So glad the problem get solved, I suggest now you use the second channel for let's plays 😀

Zackary LaFrenz

I’m glad you’re back. The situation made me decide to cancel YouTube red and support the creators on here. it ended up costing me more but it definitely helps more I hope. “Knowledge should never be censored just certain practices of it”


Happy to see things were resolved smoothly!


Phew! Hopefully this won't happen again...


Cody, can you share how much money you're getting from YouTube ads? I'm wondering about the validity of continued dependency on an external company for your livelihood when all that youtube seems to be doing nowadays is putting spokes in content creators wheels. Maybe you should also advertise more in your videos that you have a Patreon?


I'm not supposed to but I am making about the same on youtube as I am on patron now. maybe I can replace some of youtubes ads with ads of my own?

Julia Mono

Hey Cody. Its good to have you back. Nice to see that there is still some reasoning possible after the algorithms hit. Seems like you are really moving people with what you are doing. Sure we have your back :)


Glad you're back on track


Careful with the other channel, it could make things worse if youtube decides its "ban evasion" From what happened to EEVBlog before, if your channel ever gets taken down for real, you're not supposed to upload any videos, under any name, or to create new channels ever again. So even in the case of a wrongful takedown, ban evasion would be a real breach of youtube agreement.


Everyone should have your youtube notifications turned on for Cody'slab so you can't miss an upload!


Hi Cody! Just to be prepared, I have an idea for you: 1. Record a sort of "emergency broadcast" message where you explain you can't upload videos due to a youtube strike for the next few days, leave it private/unlisted, and only publish it if the situation arises. 2. Upload some cool, high quality videos (maybe short ones expanding on existing videos, maybe long sequences of cool timelapses, or inedit / discarded material from existing videos), leave them unlisted, and have them ready in case your channel is struck again. (Perhaps even add a little cool "EMERGENCY BROADCAST" intro, lol) 3. Whenever your Patron test-audience suggests a video is inappropriate, maybe delete it instead of unlisting. So you remove the risk of what happened with the grasshopper video. Cheers!!!


That was my favorite Patreon video, the little pop 😂 I must've rewatched it 7-8 times laughing my ass off

U.S. Water Rockets

If that happens then what if I conduct a video interview of Cody and post the interview on my channel where he talks about what is happening? That would be me uploading a video of Cody, under my legit channel name. It wouldn't be Cody making or uploading videos or creating new channels.


You're a good dude, Cody, glad everything worked out. Don't stress yourself out playing the YouTube algorithm game. I've seen several great channels die from burn out.


Perhaps putting the Patreon videos on a separate channel would be good so the main channel wouldn't get hit at least.


Glad you're back Cody, I missed your informative videos. You seem like a good person but I didn't watch the microwave video because, while I want to be educated, I don't want see any life destroyed especially life that can not say no. It's just a bug? Maybe but it doesn't need to go that way. There is too much killing in this world, please don't add to it.


I disagree with YouTube, and I'm on the fence about the fruit flies, but I'd have to agree microwaving grasshoppers crosses a line that makes me uncomfortable. Heck I've killed animals for food, and squished real pests like mozzies and roaches with a vengeance, but thanks for changing your mind and replacing them with grapes.


Till next time.

Nathaniel Nifong

Regularity does not affect ranking as directly as you say. Recommendations and search results are tailored to viewers, and I think your viewers value quality over quantity.


sadly youtube is becoming very political hope this does not effect you again bu if it does leave a link here at patheon and youtube can go hang itself.


The quality versus quantity is really up to Cody. More video's at the "low" quality end (Still think they are great) means more material, pulls in more viewers with more topics and views per day. High quality videos would no doubt be appreciated, and I feel like Cody would prefer that quality, but it's just not.. efficient. Would probably be easier to manage though. Either way. I'm glad things are stable again.