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I put this video on another google account, what do you think? 


Backup Channel Explanation

If you are a subscriber to cody'slab I encourage you to also subscribe here so that If the channel gets shut down do to the increasing frequency of bogus content strikes you will still be able to watch my videos. I will be moving videos over over time to other sites and to here become a patron here: https://www.patreon.com/CodysLab Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/codydonreeder/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/codyslab/



What happened to your main account?


Didn't "smarter every day" just put out a video with bugs being eaten alive.

Devin Forbes

Wow. You make ridiculously family friendly educational content. Seems kinda dumb.


the youtube censorship nazis didn't like microwaving bugs


May be it would be good to find an alternative platform, YouTube just handle things slowly and ridiculously. Anyway, backup channel is a temporary fix for that, gotta let more people subscribe that


Ah geez Sorry you’re having troubles with YouTube Cody! No matter what happens on YouTube your patrons will be here to support you


I hope you don't mind I've started downloading all the videos just incase, such quality content is wasted if your channel gets deleted. If you need all the files I'm happy to send them :)


I think that I don't care where you put your content. Keep me notified and give me a link here and we're all good.


Youtube peeps can be asses. Your educational videos are much better than most of the things out there. Hopefully they don't take down your channel. If they do and you have to start uploading videos without profit, i will support with 10$

Michael P Andersen

Which videos are the two strikes? That's crazy! I will increase my Patreon support a little, to tide you over the lost ad revenue


:( can tell Cody’s feeling pretty stressed over this - which is so unfair. Makes such good content and it’s taken down for ridiculous reasons and YouTube risks losing such a good contents creator for nothing. Best of luck Cody! I’m sure it will work out


So sorry to hear this. Even if your channel goes down everyone will still donate ;)


Love your videos. Hope everything works out okay.

Ben Hemphill

That is ridiculous. I would have thought at a million subs, youtube would handle compliants through a more prioritized process


Gee, I guess that's what happens when you upset the Flat Earth Society while an anti-science administration is in power.

justin wood

You should check out floatplane club which is being created by Linus Tech tips. It's still a sort of pre-alpha thing but it was designed entirely in response to BS YouTube takedowns


This seems to be a pretty general problem these days. Or maybe I've just got inappropriate interests like science, mining, history, and such. So the question is, is there some other venue for publishing videos? If it means increasing the monthly cost I think I could see doing that. I'm thinking of the blog sort of thing Jerry Pournelle had, for which he took subscribers. The thing was there for everybody to see, and being a subscriber meant an occasional letter, and not much more, but at least there was none of this BS of some offended fool having overmuch control of the content.


The bugs in a microwave and reloading shotgun shell primers :-/ pretty ridiculous huh


As I posted on Facebook I send a bad feedback to YouTube and hope others do the same


I don't know what i would do with out Codys Lab, i enjoy your stuff so much i re-watch old videos, on a weekly basis. I have no shame I'll admit it lol


Maybe play more adds on your videos for the time being, I know I and probably 10,000th of people would love to rewatch and just listen to the adds. I would absolutely. That's how much the channel means to me/people


Plus you'll always have me on patreon


Damn that sucks Cody. I know a lot of people are having demonetization issues but this is worse. I hope it works out or you find a different platform if something happens.


i've seen a lot of demonetization talk over on AvE's channel as well. so much for "don't be evil," eh google?


I have to agree with Gary Lei and Matthew Dockter among others, 1) At this stage I don't care where you post content, as long as there is a link, and 2) A secondary outlet, probably off youtube, is beginning to make a lot of sense. Is there anything we can do to help you with this and free you up for more interesting and enjoyable pursuits?


Having a larger fan base would increase your odds of being reported. More popularity = more people's opinions = more praise/complaints. Unfortunately.. complaints carry more weight in.. life.


Youtube is becomming to strict with their rules... Theres so many R rater movies out there and we have a well established rating system so parents cant make sure their little psycos dont get any ideas so really why dont they institute a rating system that will be way more fair if watchers actually rate things. then even with grapgic content like vet ranch they can still be monetized...


Keep fightin'!

Michael P Andersen

I know right? Youtube only exists because of their content creators. They should really treat them a little better.

Michael P Andersen

Even EEVBlog which is as un-offensive as anything could be (who gets offended by electronics?) got hit by demonetization


Shit news Cody, the choices being made of late are difficult to understand. Hoping the pendulum swings back soon, this is becoming a huge problem for just about all of my favourite creators.


Absolutely ridiculous. There's some truly disgusting content hidden in the depths of YouTube but they don't seem too concerned about that. Your channel is by far my favourite channel on YouTube, and I'm not ashamed to say it's helped me through some tough times. Keep doing your thing man, wherever you go your fans will follow.


Good luck man, I guess educational videos arent something The Man, wants people watching. I see this happening across the board, they want a populous of nim witts. The hell with em, too bad for you man, I really feel for you.


I was thinking the same thing. Floatplane Club might be a good place to be.


Well, that just makes me mad. Even more glad I signed on to Patreon now. Hope the channel gets through this, but if not, hope you can find an alternative platform that can work for you. I'll definitely still be watching.


This is how the war starts. The computers are attacking us soon there will be terminators everywhere. Hope you can find a backup site to post there is a new video medium starting up called float plane started by the guys from linus tech tips. they are not accepting any content creators at this time but its something that might take off? who knows. Best of luck to you and hope you know someone at youtube so this can be resolved quickly. cheers


I’ll be wherever you post - obviously.


I've been meaning to pledge to your patreon for a long time, and this finally got me to do it. Most of us will follow you wherever you go, Cody.


If there's anything we as a community can do, please let us know.


We're here for you man, I'm upping monetary support but really I want to know if we can actually do something to help


Are the other two strikes for making videos about explosives? I thought you were big enough to be immune to this stuff.


Sucks to hear that man, Hope you get back to your normal routine soon on your main channel.


i'm upping my patreon thing to help Cody in case he has to lose the ad revenue stream at google. i love thee enthusiasm for science and application of this kid, and would pay for each video individually if that's what it took to produce such entertaining and educational shit.


go on more platforms! like vidme!


Shitty what is happening to your channel on youtube right now. Thanks to Bigclive and AvE for sending out PSA about what is happening right now with the channel. Your patreons and fellow youtubers have your back right now.


Well is better to take precautions and upload to another platform, is someone is doing this affect you they can flag the new channel on YouTube, better to be prepared.


Noticed Bigclive's psa before checking my email with the Patreon update. Hope you get things sorted with YouTube.


I would love it if you started uploading to some other platform, like bitchute, dtube or vidme. You don't have to stop uploading to YouTube to do that either :)


It would make me so mad, knowing that you are at the mercy of the internet for your income. Google should know that there are trolls out there. They could ruin all your work with a few mouseclicks.


That sucks. But I know what you mean. Even my tiny channel received flags on my videos about the flat earth. -.- Maybe you too should look at the website www.vid.me . Just as a backup.


This video showed up in my subscription feed on youtube so looks like u know a work around for the time


Cody, man. The YT shiz is really getting crazy. I really hope they figure things out and get it sorted. I love your videos and I'd hate to see you just get totally shut down. :\


Best of luck with this Cody.


Youtube is getting out of hand. Good to see AvE, bigclive and you helping each other out. Patreonned up today just to give YouTube the finger.


That video drove me to make a patreon account. You have my $5 a month pledge Cody!


Not cool. It might be time for all of the affected creators to organize. Every one jumping ship to a new platform is great and all, but it would make far more sense to organize into a co-op/collective/union that way you have some actual bargaining power to effect the changes to prevent this crap from happening.


Floatplane Club! Think Patreon but made by creators for creators (its still in alpha/beta testing but for future reference or if you get an invite)


takeaway from this for others: make videos like this in advance, upload & unlist, and then when something like this happens, publish them. i hope youtube gets its stuff togethet to solve this for you Cody.


Joined as a Patron today to show my support in the face of this YouTube B.S. Never stop doing what you do, Cody!


Hey, I'm just saying, if you go to vidme, I'll be there. Lot's of creators I follow are shifting, and if youtube becomes too much of a hassle, just know that I will follow you. I don't care where you upload. Infact, I hate the youtube comment system.


So kids making fun of mentally ill people is OK, but science is not? Youtube has gone rotten.


I'll always be with you here on patreon. It sucks that Youtube is turning into a terrible place for all the content creators that really make up the heart of the site. I hope that you will always continue to make educational videos.


Hey, so I'm assuming that when you can actually post videos, you're still receiving somewhat of a revenue from ads? Has the adpocalypse hit you that bad, or is it not really targeting channels such as yours yet? I'm just wondering whether something like vimeo might be a bit of a move in a better direction? I know it costs money, however by the looks it's


Have you got a Twitter account Cody?


Hope everythings works out, love your channel!


bitchute, vid.me, vimeo... diversify now before the USS Goolag sinks completely. I'll follow you on all accounts you set up and will preferrably watch your videos non-youtube sites!


After seeing your video I created a patreon account to show my support. I'm not the only one I see. Hope things get resolved soon!


I'm not saying anything new here however I still want to say it: this is super dumb. I hope you and YouTube figure it out. In the meantime, please take my money.


I increased my patreonage by a bit, to fight your ad-losses.


Decided to give you $5 a month after seeing your video about Google suspending you. It's not a lot but every bit counts. You keep doing you Cody. I love your videos.


Hang in there Cody, I'm sure this will work out! Perhaps it could also be an opportuntiy to start another channel elsewhere with fever restrictions? I would love to see what you would make with more freedom. Best wishes from Norway


I hope you have an offline backup of everything if worst comes to worst.


Best of luck with this, Cody... stay positive. Hopefully someone at YouTube will get back with you soon.


We got your back Cody!


I am actually downloading the whole channel right now. Just in case.


This. I think it's about time the public puts youtube in their place.


fucking yt man...how can we help, Cody?


Just supported you Cody, love what you do, keep it up.


Just supported you too! Sorry it took YouTube's poor decision to inspire me to donate...


Yep, just started supporting you because of this.


We all have your back Cody. You make amazing content and from what I see here and on Facebook, you have a bunch of people willing to support you. I hope this gets resolved swiftly.


Demolition Ranch has taken the step of uploading their entire library onto twitch, as a back-up.


Good luck Cody! I've really enjoyed watching your content over the past few years and hopefully this storm will pass.


Wishing you the best of luck Cody, your videos have always been some of the best of their kind on YouTube and have given me countless hours of entertainment over the years. Would be an awful shame to see anything happen to all of it, fingers crossed and hope to see you back up and running soon!


This is terrible! I'm glad I signed up to your Patreon.


Sounds good!