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how to make frobscottle (fail)

This was supposed to be the TLDW version of my "making a liquid float on a gas" video. unfortunately the tube exploded and I didnt even catch the explosion on film, you can see the aftermath of the explosion though. fortunately my face shield and glasses stopped all other glass fragments. Help me make videos by donating here: https://www.patreon.com/CodysLab



Not sure I'd order a drink at your bar, it's like Russian roulette LOL! Glad you're ok and better luck next time!


now the thick pullover in the summer doesn't seem so stupid, does it? ;)


Post the full 40 minute video on patreon?


i might do that. infact I was thinking that would be a thing I would do for the patreon version; no cutting parts for run time. course it would make even the last garden video over 20 min long. ( I spent about 5 min talking about the gravel lol)


Glad you are safe... Well almost safe.


I've noticed you putting more raw footage on patreon and I like it! Keep it up because it give a cool perspective of how your videos come about. Just putting the same video up as the one that goes on youtube is a bit redundant. (We could just go to youtube) Thanks for sharing!


Try annealing the glass after sealing before warming it up. It is less likely to (but might still) explode. I have used the annealing technique successfully with SC CO2. If you want I could send you a video of how to anneal the tube.


May need to start "Sewing with Cody" and make a shrapnel resistant leather lab apron.


The speed of the glass shrapnel must be immense!