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Classical music drifted softly in the background as Delta held court in his classroom, gushing on and on about a particularly grim, yet certainly interesting historical story concerning the Salem Witch Trials. The source of said music a beautiful vintage record player in the corner- a treasured gift from his beloved wife. Delta’s students sat quietly, enraptured with their teacher and his lecture. Well, more accurately enraptured with how he looked while telling it, particularly from some of the girls in the classroom.       

 “....and Giles kept silent all through the horrible torture, never once crying out or pleading to his accused crime. In fact, his last words are often recorded as, ‘More weight.’ Badass, right?” Delta smiles at his class, eyes roaming over his students, occasionally lingering on those who looked at him with more than a lust for history in their eyes.      

 “Ah! But I’ve been rambling again haven’t I? Sorry about that folks, class is dismissed! Go on, get out of here, go enjoy your weekends. But not too much! I still expect to see your essays on Monday after all.” Chuckling good-naturedly, he turns back to his desk as his students slowly file out, distractedly sharing the occasional “Good-bye,” or “Have a nice weekend,” with a few students here and there. Most of his attention on some paperwork at his desk. Squinting at it, deep in thought like some scholar on an expedition, he lets the soft whispered voices of Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven speak to him for quite some time before realizing he forgot to call his wife.

 “Shit.” Quickly sending a text and then calling her, he rubs the side of his shaved head, loosening his tie up a bit to relax. It’s after hours after all. Part the first “Hey there my favorite celestial body. No, sorry, classes ended about twenty minutes ago. I know, I know, I just got engrossed in those papers you sent me! I think they might actually be legit. And you know how much I love Crowley’s work, he’s the rock star of the occult world. How’s King doing? Awww, that sounds like my little monster right there. I’ll pick up some more treats for him on my way home. No, no, I’ll walk over right now. Heheh, you don’t have to promise me that to make me come home any quicker, you’re just going to have to be a little patient. Don’t worry, I’ll more than make up for it my little minx. Yeah, love you, bye.”     

 Hanging up Delta couldn’t help but grin to himself, even as he had to adjust his pants a little. He was one lucky man, and he was thankful for that luck every day. As he got his things ready for the short walk from the school back to their new house in Neighborhood Te-Reach, Delta couldn't help but idly wonder about some of the students in his class. He knew that more than a few of them were his neighbors now, and some of them were pretty dang attractive. Part the second “I wonder if Moon would like to share a nice, young, slutty, co-ed,” He fantasized out loud. “Mhm, but lately she’s been so fascinated with the Baumers. Can’t blame her, they are one hot couple. We should really invite them over for dinner sometime. Maybe tomorrow, before Moon and I’s special engagement.” 

 Grinning, Delta begins to make his walk, leisurely strolling along as he enjoys the weather and his thoughts. Making sure to pop in to the nearby pet store to grab some special treats for King, as well as give the neighborhood stray a few pats and belly rubs. Along the way, Delta continues to let his mind wander, bouncing from topic to topic.

 How his classes went, his best student, who he worries is going to work herself into an early grave, the Crowley papers his wife somehow managed to dig up, another of his attractive students who lives right next door, needing to pay the electric bill for his wife’s shop, his beautiful wife, no doubt waiting for him at home right now wearing next to nothing- 

 “I should really get home,” He says to himself quietly, speeding up his pace while humming a few bars of Ode to Joy. It doesn’t take him much longer to arrive home, stepping inside to find it surprisingly dimly lit.       “Babe! I’m home. Why’s it so dark in here, you trying to talk to the spirits or something? Oh. I see.” In the process of taking off his jacket, Delta turned to see his wife laid out on the couch. Almost as he predicted, wearing nothing but a smile on her face. “Well, I’m happy to see you too, babe. Let me show you just how happy by making up for coming home late….”



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