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A grandfather clock ticked back and forth in the large cluttered shop as Moon, the owner of the store sat at her desk waiting for her realtor to show. Her hands fixing her paper work and then her black mini dress. As the top barely covered her nipples, let alone her large pale breasts. She looked around the store as she admired her large collection. Her store had everything you would never think of.

 From an old weavers loom, a dozen old banners from old kingdoms, bone chimes that hung off the exposed beams that displayed gargoyle statues and even some nude statues that she found in a caved in castle. She had books and tomes that she bought or even stole at times that she had read thoroughly. Some of it she also took from her family estate before she sold it off.  

 After a bit of admiring and annoyed finger tapping she looked to her newest acquisition. An old phonogram that she paid a pretty penny for. As well as another for getting it restored to working condition. She wiggled her rather fat ass out of her seat and went to grab a record. Choosing something she had taken a fondness to. Pagan music was just orgasmic for her. The rhythm and beats just woke something up in her. Put the record on the plate and turned it on. Humming to the music for a spell as she looked at her favorite painting of her husband.

 Her smile brighting as she thinks about their new soon to be house. Her nipples getting hard as she thinks of all the fun they will have in it. Taking another sip of wine before being interrupted by a phone ringing. Frowning she lowered the volume and picked the phone up.  "Moon's Shop of Antiquities and Curiosities! How may I help you?" She answers with excitement in her voice. Hoping it was one of her hunters that found something of interest. Though her mood deflates as it is just her realtor. (edited)

"Ah... Mr. Hemingsworth. I thought you would meet me in person this time?" She asks as she picks up some pictures on her desk. "Not afraid to relive some fantasies are you? Well either way, I hope you have good news." She says rather icily as she puts the pictures of a very specific house she found and wanted. Moving her hand over to an envelop. "No... I do not want to hear about that dump of a house I sold. It is too far away from the city. Nor the house near the power plant. I told you which house I wanted. The one near my husbands school. I don't give a damn about renovating or remodeling. Now send me the paper work and stop wasting my time. If you don't then i will send this envelop to a certain wife of yours." She threatens calmly. "Good day Mr. Hemingsworth." She  hangs up the phone.  

Sighing, she leans back for a second, only to grab a new record. Turning up the volume, she heads over to the door and locks it, wide hips swaying to the rhythm as she dances through the store towards a cabinet holding some of her favourite drinks to pour herself a glass of wine. Shimmying back towards her desk, Moon takes one more sip of her drink before setting it down, her jacket soon following.  "Might as well have a little fun before packing up for the night." She giggles. Going to her backroom, she quickly comes back with a large, cloth-covered contraption, wheeling it out into the open.  "Let's see if I can beat my last time...." With that, she uncovers the machine, a strange contraption full of pistons and dials, only to start tugging her panties off of her thicc ass. "I love my job."




Honeyyy. There are people moving in next door. And they're hot!