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Hey everybody, with the end of the month here I thought it was a great time to talk about some stuff going on with this account and with my stuff in general.


Witch Ranni from Elden Ring has won the March Request Poll! Expect a pic later this month of her, and if you wanna get a character of your choice drawn, be sure to participate in the April Request Poll going live tomorrow!

I’ll also be reverting the Request Poll submission rules I introduced at the beginning of the year, as they just complicated the process more.


Timeskip Takemi and her Monthly One-Off are up next for April, so expect to see that soon!

I also plan on remaking Haru, Futaba, and Ann’s Timeskip reference this month. Not that the designs are bad, it’s just that those 3 pictures especially are very old at this point. I’ll probably be doing the same with Victoria’s reference as it’s equally as dated.


Development is going well! I’m hoping to get a lot more coding done next month, but March has been a very productive month even away from the coding. Got some new music, added some new animations, and most exciting of all, got the first official voice talent!

@burgerpup will be playing Sheeba in Fatsona:Breakout! Link to her twitter: https://twitter.com/burgerpup

@burgerpup brings such life to the role, and I am over the moon with how this all worked out. Hopefully, i’ll be able to share some of the amazing work we’re doing for this very soon, and I hope you’re all excited as well!

Sheeba will not be the only character in Fatsona: Breakout who will require voicework, so if you’re interested in getting your voice in the game, feel free to contact me! (Discord: metrack#3444) I’ll put out a more formal talent scout when the time for implementation gets closer, but if you’re interested don’t hesitate!

Aside from this, there’s also been a lot of planning this month. A top to bottom examination of the game and figuring things out properly. I don’t have much to show of this yet, but hopefully in April i’ll be able to share some exciting developments!

Patreon Updates

If you’re a part of my Patreon, you’ve probably seen the poll I put up not too long ago about potential reworks to my account’s format and content plan. While none of this is certain or has a set date, I will probably be transitioning to the 1 merged tier as proposed there. I think having 1 tier will allow me to really make it flourish with content, and make being a part of it feel really special. Right now, i’m trying to work out a price point if I do end up going with this. Numbers anywhere from $5-$10 come up, so I still got some thinking to do. This tier will feature every benefit I currently offer, and some additional ones that I’ve thought up of, so finding a value for that which remains affordable and enticing has been a bit tough.

No matter what happens though, i’m really not looking to be divisive with this. I know many people can’t afford any tier above $1, and it wouldn’t be right kicking them all out suddenly. When I’ve made up my mind about this, I will give a multiple-month grazing period before the change applies, and maybe even keep some tiers around for a little while after. I’m still undecided on the precise direction I want to take with this, but I am still very excited about it and see it as a much better way to bring you all amazing new content.

I’ll announce it here publicly as well; whenever this change happens, i’ll be introducing weekly sketches! Every Monday (dubbing it “metrack monday”) there will be a new sketch up on my Patreon! Again, this is a little ways off, so i’m not sure about the fine details, but I wanna figure out ways that Patrons can get their characters drawn and that the sketches will eventually release publicly. Perhaps a new monthly character submission block? Maybe every sketch has 1 month of exclusivity? I don’t know yet, all I know is that there will be weekly sketches whenever I make this big patreon change.

Until then, I hope what I offer here is still very engaging and fun for you all!

Upcoming Content

Got a lot of upcoming content for (hopefully) April. It’s been very hard figuring out how to approach the Ann drive Animation, as the final weights are very hard to see moving very much. I think i’m starting to get a direction where I wanna take it, but it’s still a bit early to tell. When the ball gets rolling though, i’m sure it’ll stay rolling, which is why i’m hopeful that April could be the month I get this out to you guys!

Following the Ann drive Animation, i’ll be opening up a Haru drive! Similar in structure to the Ann drive, but with about another years worth of experience on deck. The Haru drive will probably end up being less parts in total than the Ann drive, but hopefully the quality will make up for it. I have really awesome ideas for the Haru drive, and I hope you’re all excited to see it from the HARU MAN himself!

And of course, you can all expect to see some Request Poll action, the Monthly One-Off, and maybe a miscellaneous pic or two thrown in just for fun ;)

Thank you for reading through this update! Let me know your thoughts on any of this, and enjoy! <3


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