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Anyways, i've been thinking about some massive changes I could do to my Patreon.
I'm posting this as a Poll so I can kinda gauge community census, but i'd love to hear comments as well!

My thought process for these: 

  • $1 tier makes very little income despite being quite robust
  • $5 request poll tier has bad participation outside of the $10 tier supporters
  • I love the idea of weekly sketches, but currently don't think I can go for that commitment where my page's at right now
  • I feel like the benefits separating the tiers can be a little confusing as to where they split
  • I don't want to be divisive
  • I want to be able to add and warrant more and more content in the future, especially as Fatsona gets closer to the sauce
  • I want to please YOU!

Vote for the ones you think are good ideas, and leave a reply if you think they all SUCK!




You should make the patreon $10 only and have all tier benefits to go with it, That way you can maximize profit from a smaller following while still keeping it somewhat cheap enough


You already know how to please me ;) Moving them to $10 is a good idea


Seems people are in favor of a big content merge! Thank you for responding :)


Personally I wouldn't continue pledging if there was only a $10 tier option for financial reasons, but do what you think is best


I don't dislike the idea of merging everything into $8. If $1 isn't making you any real money for the work involved, then I understanding needing to up prices and while the number of individual patrons would likely drop from such a price hike, im sure the extra income would make up for it. I'm a little concerned that the only benefit to a price increase (except $10 patrons of course) would be weekly sketches which you yourself say would be tough to do. I know I wouldn't want fatsona development to slow because of extra responsibilities or for less refined art like the monthly pieces or the drive pieces to become less frequent. As for the lack of request poll interaction at $5, is that necessarily a bad thing? I'm a $5 patron and some months I just choose not to use that benefit either because someone else puts down my request or I don't want to, but still want to support your art! Sorry for the rambling message, just had a few thoughts about this!


Thanks for taking the time to write this out! The proposed merge to $8 will include everything, including what the $10 tier offers and will offer. This would end up being a 20% discount on existing perks, alongside the weekly sketches benefit, and the only downside would be that you can't go lower and be selective with what you'd like. However, many monthly services often benefit from having a streamlined option for content, and I feel like going a one tier route could end up really flourishing with content. It'd be WIPS, Early Access pics, Request Polls, Weekly sketches, Game discord server access, and the Monthly One-Off pics. It's a big offer. Idk, it's all about finding the right pricepoint when it comes to that, I think $8 is fairly reasonable but I wouldn't want to absolutely screw over everyone lower than the $10 tier. Moving on from that little tangent, Weekly sketches wouldn't necessarily be "hard" to do, it's just a time commitment that I can't really warrant or see pushing my account very much further the way things are right now. It's hard enough to advertise for Request Polls, getting people in on that for the $5 tier would be kinda hard I imagine. I can assure you, though, that the extra 1-2 hours a week will not impact Fatsona, or any other large scale project's development. It might improve it a bit, actually. Gives me a reason to flip open the iPad every week lol. As for your comments about Request Polls, I never thought of it like that, the lack of interactions not being bad for the user. To me, I often wonder "if you're not participating, why join for the benefit?" it seems a little wasted to me, and sometimes the participation is really disappointing for my sorta community brain lol Again, I really thank you for taking the time to write this out, and I'm sure I'll figure out something to please everybody. I love you guys, and I just wanna make this account as rewarding and awesome for you all as possible.


That's completely understandable! A big part of why I'm being very cautious and critical when it comes to stuff like this is because I don't wanna just screw you guys over. If you don't mind answering, what do you think your $ limit is for a Patreon service like this? Thank you for responding, by the way! I appreciate your honesty, and believe me that i'm going to be very careful if I do end up making a big change like this.


The only reason folks ever do $1 is for the early content due to finances. But you do you


No problem at all! You do fantastic work and you're easily one of the best artists for taking time to interact with the community and listen to feedback, so I'm happy to give my two cents! I do absolutely see how muc hvalue the proposed $8 tier would give, and personally I would pay for it, but I agree that finding the price point is key. The $1 tier probably is a little bit too much bang for your buck, but I can definitely see lots of people being unwilling to spend more than $5 a month on fat girls, but streamlining it into one tier makes sense. Either way, I know you'll keep delivering so I'm not too concerned. Ah, that makes sense with the weekly sketches and it's totally fair that the current income makes it hard to justify as things stand. If you feel comfortable in it though and especially if it helps with the more time consuming stuff then I'm all for it. Even if people don't put in requests, many still vote. So if you see your pick up there then its a bit silly putting in someone else and potentially splitting the vote, so it makes sense to just vote when the poll comes up. My only criticism with request polls is the voting for previous winners to continue the sequence. I love the idea, but I'm afraid most of your patrons (me included) are illiterate and don't seem to have realised we can pick multiple girls for months now. It just seems very unlikely three seperate people will ever pick a previous winner. I don't know how you get around that because I understand you not wanting to make it a single person requesting the same girl over and over. I feel like some revision needs to be made to the continaution of winners to ever make it happen :/ Seriosuly no problem, thank you for being such a cool creator! You're killing it with everything you've been doing and I can't wait to see more!