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Couldn't get the result i wanted atm so i'm going to show this artworks but they don't exactly reflect the final result i'm looking for, i made a new workflow so i can start to include environments and prepare actions scenes / effects but i really need more time to polish all of it, for the moment i do not use UE5 for this project, i will need more time to show you the next project i started.

In the order first picture, show one of the place called Azuria, wich is a sort of dimension that belongs to faction called Prefera, i can't really say more about it, lots of work need to be done so i can explain more.

Second picture is to introduce two new characters, Right one is called Axel and left one is called Juniper.

Third one is Charlotte but i have expanded her lore a lot i have more pictures to show the dimension she leaves in and the faction she belong too but it's not ready yet.

Last one is really complete WIP i almost didn't want to show yet, it's one of the frame from the first chapter of the comic related to that story, the new workflow is actually there to help me bring the comics.

I hope you'll find these intersting, there is a lot more in progress but i realize how much time i will need to really do what i have in mind, so i have no idea when the next preview will be, i do think to show some of the progress on Ue5 probably half April :)





keep it up. Pursue this creative IP. Very interested in the story


These look really cool 7! Can’t wait for more <3