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Bringing some news, i'm doing better, working and learning on Unreal engine last week helped me a lot, i have currently 2 original projects in progress, i will dedicate next week to show you more about them, so i will see how much time i can allocate to fanart or pinup for next week, i will make one nsfw preview as well.

I hope you are all doing good, and i want to thanks you all for your support and also welcome new people who joined recently :)




You plan to use Unreal as a new/alternate rendering engine or for animations?


I do but it's not the main reason why i'm learning, i'm making an experimental build for a demo / game, and trying to learn from A to Z how to make the gameplay for it. But since i'm discovering the visual / animations part along the way i think i will slowly use it for that, i just have a lot of visual stuff i have to learn mainly on the shading part, volumetrics etc.. before being able to show something.


Can't wait!!