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Lying back on the stone floor of the chamber, Darkness shivered as another wave of pleasure rolled through her form. Sooo good.

The others were talking about something, but Darkness was too blissed out to make out exactly what they were saying. The idea of it though… Oh… they were probably discussing another perverted trial. What would it make them do this time?

Absently, her hand crept down her body and slipped between her legs, where she fingered herself with the casual air of someone twiddling a pen. Drawing in another breath, she sighed. Was it just her, or did her vagina sound… squeakier all of a sudden?

Drawing in a deep breath, she opened her eyes and looked down. She hadn’t been imagining it–where her sex should have been was a thick ring of plastic with a plump little clit. She stared at it, brain turning as slowly as the rubber spreading from her fattened new sex.

O-oh, oh–I’m turning into some kind of lewd toy~. Nnn~!

Just as this thought was about to puncture the pleasured bubble of her mind, Darkness’s collar flashed, and her hand jerked into motion as if possessed by some kind of demon. Sticking out two fingers, she slammed them into her sex and wiggled them about as if searching for treasure, using her thumb to massage her clit as she worked.

Ecstasy, raw and unfiltered, rolled up her spine and slammed into her brain. With a scream, Darkness gave in and came for the second time in ten minutes.


Asuka had almost overcome her panic when her collar seized her body. Flashing around her neck, it wrenched control of her limbs and marched her towards the wire game like a soldier to the front.“N-nono! Wait! I don’t wanna try this one!”

Plopping her at the edge of the game, her collar released her. She immediately turned to run away, at which point her collar snatched control again, spun her back around, and released her once more. Asuka simply stood there trembling.

A moment later, the long-haired blonde–Yang–came to a stop beside her. She grabbed her collar and gave it an experimental tug, but it refused to let her break it. She sighed. “I guess we’re on this one together, huh?”

She raised a hand, clearly intending to grab the wire game’s key, but before she could reach it her hand snapped away as if someone had seized it. She hissed. “Okay, fine. I think it wants you to go first,” she said.


Images flashed through Asuka’s mind of May on the floor, moaning at what the wire game had done to her. And now they wanted her to try it?

She bit her lip, struggling to work up the words for a protest, but even as she did, she realized her hand were rising of its own accord. Her heart pounded. “No!” she cried, trying to grab it. Her collar flashed, and she shook as if electrocuted. Her vision swam; she felt like throwing up.

“I don’t think you’ve got a choice,” said Yang, sympathetically.

Asuka stared at her, trembling.

Slowly, she turned her gaze back to the wire game, with its fancy brass key threaded down the looping length of wire. Taking several deep breaths to steady herself, she raised a trembling hand and pinched the key’s grip. Her heart thudded as she lifted the key off its rest and slowly, painfully slowly, started to move it down the wire.

As she focused, some semblance of calm returned to her. Now she was actually doing it, it didn’t seem so bad. All she had to do was keep her hand nice and steady. Nice and steady. Nice and–

Behind her, someone screamed.

Asuka jerked, startled, and the key slammed into the wire so hard it was a miracle the entire game didn’t fly off its table.

It was as if she’d closed in a circuit. In the same instant, energy roared through her hand, up her arm, and down her spine, and where it entered her sex with much the same effect as a lightning bolt striking a powder magazine.

Sex burning, Asuka screamed. Pleasure, hot as fire, roared through her nethers and set everything it touched alight. Her heartbeat spiked; she turned red-faced and sweaty. Her knees, already weak, started to tremble outright.

Struggling to focus, she desperately tried to get the key off the wire, and when that didn’t work, release it and break the connection. But the energy coursing through her fingers overrode her nerves and kept them locked to the metal. Stuck, she could only stand there and scream as it brought her slowly towards orgasm.

Just as she thought she’d explode, Yang grabbed her arm by the wrist and tugged her hand away from the key. As the energy released her, Asuka slumped, falling to the floor in a puddle of her own juices.

“I-I-I–I–” Eyes rolling back in their sockets, she moaned.


Saber strode towards the bookshelf with utter confidence, refusing to allow the collar around her neck to take the lead. Her new partner, May, walked several steps behind her, face still red from her experience with the wire game.

As one, they came to a stop. The bookcase stood before them, monolithic, audibly ticking. Saber wondered whether it was hiding some strange manner of automaton.

“Now what?” asked May, tugging at her collar and looking up and down uncertainly. “We really have to find a combination in one of these books? How are we even supposed to start?”

Saber frowned in thought. “It can’t be as difficult as that. There must be some chain of logic to guide us to the key, or we’d never reach it anywhere near the same time as the others. Let’s start with the titles…”

Cocking her head so she could better read, Saber flicked her gaze left to right and top to bottom, scanning one book’s title after the next. The Castle of Otranto, Philosophy in the Bedroom, The Turn of the Screw. Such strange names. What exactly were they meant to convey?

Finally, she settled on one that looked promising. The Key in the Lock. Of all the books on the shelf, it was the only one that sounded even vaguely related to the puzzle. Grabbing it, she tugged–

–only to instantly release it as it snapped forward like a lever and the entire bookcase began to move with an audible grinding of gears. Eyes widening, Saber took a step back, but she was too slow to make it. Before she knew it, the room spun as she and the bookcase and the circular patch of floor on which she stood revolved like a carousel.

With a click, they came to a stop.

Saber spun around, heart pounding, as found herself in another chamber: a Gothic bedroom with dark curtains and blood-red sheets.

She didn’t know exactly what she’d been expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this. Squinting, she looked around in search of clues, but she could see very little at all, let alone anything useful. Turning back, she grabbed at The Key in the Lock again, wondering if she could spin the bookcase back.

Before she had a chance, she heard the swish of curtains behind her. Saber whirled back around. And gasped.

Four men, pale of skin and red of eye, slipped into the room without a sound. Four naked men, with sizable… swords between their legs.

Saber’s heart began to pound. She tried to turn, but her body refused to obey her.

Eyes on her, the men advanced.


“Do I really have to be the one who opens it?” asked Kallen, hands on her handles of the armoire.

She looked back, at Aqua who turned away shyly, and Nami, who shrugged. “That’s up to your collar,” she said with a sigh.

Kallen grit her teeth and turned back. She wanted to grab one of the instruments on the wall and smash the armoire to pieces, but whenever she tried, her collar refused to let her budge. For some reason, it really wanted her to open this stupid closet.

She looked down at the floor and the puddle of slime beneath it. Even as she watched, more of the awful stuff dripped from beneath the wardrobe’s doors. She shuddered. “Here I go…” she said, defeated.

Tightening her grip, she wrenched the wardrobe’s doors open.

And froze, eyes wide, at the morass of thick, squirming, pink tentacles–and sexy, skimpy outfits–in front of her.

She barely had time to open her mouth and speak. “Oh–”

With a sound like an overflowing river, the tentacles shot forward and seized her, coiling their slime-slathered lengths all around her limbs and wrenching her into the air as if she weighed nothing. Behind her, Aqua screamed; on the other side of the room, someone else did. Kallen herself had little time to react, however. All she could focus on what was the tentacles were going to do to her.

Holding her in the air like a human-sized doll, the tendrils hovered over her chest and dripped slime like hot wax onto her top. Kallen hissed and bit her lip as the wool began to sizzle, but to her relief, the stuff didn’t burn her skin. It did expose her breasts though.

Gliding down her body, the tendrils squirted more goo at her shorts. Soon, she hung in the air naked, naked and drenched in slime like some pervert’s toy.

The wardrobe beast made a sound like a throaty chuckle and reached back into its depths. Rummaging inside itself, it pulled out an outfit. One that Kallen remembered from her time undercover. “You can’t be s–”


“Are you okay?” asked Yang, kneeling beside a trembling, red-faced Asuka. A large puddle had formed beneath her, but Yang decided not comment on that. Not when she might soon be in the same situation herself.

Helping Asuka to stand, she moved her out of the way and took up a position in front of the wire game herself. To her credit, Asuka had moved the key most of the way before zapping herself, so all Yang had to do was finish the job.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Yang grabbed the key and bit her lip to endure the jolt of pleasure as she lifted it off the wire. A split second’s contact had been enough to make her wet, but she breathed deep again and held herself steady as she maneuvered it to the end of the wire.

She almost made it the whole way without an issue. If it hadn't been for someone screaming on the other side of the room, she would have.


Yang jerked, instinctively, and the key caught the wire just for at instant. She slammed her legs together and hissed, blushing a deep red. A giant glob of grool trickled down her legs and plip-plopped onto the floor.

Heart pounding, Yang pulled the key off the wire. “I got it!” she cried, feeling like punching the air. “I got it! I–!”


Yang turned. And gasped.

Tears trickled down Asuka’s face. Her mouth had puffed up into a fat, plasticky doughnut. There was no sign of teeth or tongue inside it, only a smooth tunnel of plastic, perfect for–

Yang caught herself. Taking a step back, she heard a squeak, and looked down in horror to see her toes had fused together, leaving her with a doll’s feet. Even as she watched, the plastic spread slowly over her ankles.

“We really need to get that antidote,” she said, turning back to the center.


Saber’s heart pounded as the pale men advanced on her. She wanted to fight back, to run away, but no matter which option she tried to pursue, her collar flashed and her body refused to obey. All she could do was stand there, feebly whimpering, as the men seized her and dragged her in the direction of the bed, their masculine hands roaming all over her body.

One seized her top and ripped it off in a single harsh motion. Another, standing behind her, wrapped his arms around her breasts and squeezed tight. She gasped, unable to keep herself silent as his thumbs caught her nipples.

As the second groped her breasts, the third placed his hands on her rear and squeezed her cheeks just as tight. Face red, she struggled against them, but her body refused to put up more than a token effort. It was as if she wanted them to do this to her.

Together, the pale men carried her to the room’s enormous bed and planted her on her back, rear overlapping the edge. Breathing hard, she allowed them to spread her legs and tear off her shorts. Now the men lined up, as she lay there looking up at them, she noticed something unusual.

Each one of them had a number marked right above his manhood.

It was as if time had slowed. All of a sudden, Saber’s panic vanished, replaced by the cool assurance she’d found the solution to their problem. Here were the numbers they needed for the lock–now she merely needed to get out and return it to the others.

She tried to stand; the collar refused to let her move.

Her calmness broke like a pane of glass. Sweat dripping from her face, she watched as the man with a ‘5’ on his crotch stroked his shaft to intense erection and guided it towards her waiting sex.

“W-w-wait, wait–! Don’t–!”



Carefully fitting a pair of bunny ears to Kallen’s head, the tentacles lowered her to the floor and left her there, simmering. Only then did the armoire doors finally slam shut with a thud.

“K-Kallen?” said Nami. “Are you–?”

“I’m fine,” said the redhead, eye twitching. I’ve dressed like this before.” She didn’t remember her boobs spilling out of her last outfit quite so badly though.

“How is this supposed to help us in any way?” said Nami, bending down and inspecting Kallen’s cute little cotton tail.

Aqua flicked a glance back at Chest No. 4. “Maybe it wants us to cosplay for it?” she said.

Realization settled on the three of them like a sudden rainstorm. Instinctively, Kallen covered her chest, struggling to pull her leotard’s cups over her breasts.

With a shrug from Nami, the three headed back to chest No. 4, where Kallen spun around for the eye on the box to see.

Nothing happened.

“Maybe you need to try a sexier pose?” said Nami. “Try bending over a little.”

Rolling her eyes, Kallen did. The chest still refused to open.

“What are we missing here?” she asked, putting her hands on her hips and pouting.

“Um,” said Aqua, face redder than ever.

“What? What is it?” asked Nami.

Aqua looked away, blushing even harder. “I-I just had a terrible thought. What if… What if it wants to see more than one of us dressed up?”

Nami flicked a glance at the wardrobe and winced. “I better not have to wear something as cliché as a bunny outfit…”


Yang’s feet squeaked against the ground as she walked, key in hand, back to the center of the room. Behind her, Asuka slowly stumbled, occasionally emitting a little moan of fear–her altered mouth didn’t give them chance to do much more.

As the two of them reached Chest no. 2, the bookcase in the Southeast corner spun back, and the bedraggled form of Saber stumbled out, naked and sticky all over. She collapsed into May’s arms with a groan, panting for breath. Her entire midsection had turned rubber, her belly button replaced by a pooltoy’s plastic cap.

“Are you okay?” cried May. “What happened to you?!”

“I got the combination,” Saber replied, breathing heavily.

In the Southwest corner of the room, the wardrobe doors slammed shut. Almost instantly, two squeals filled the air: Aqua and Nami’s. Whirling to face them, Yang gasped at what she found.

Unlike Saber, who’d ended up naked, the trio assigned to the wardrobe had gone in the other direction entirely–Kallen, clad in a lewd red bunny outfit, might actually have been the most conservatively dressed of the trio. Aqua had been forced into an egregiously skimpy maid’s uniform with a cleavage window so large it was a wonder the bodice covered anything, while Nami had ended up in a bikini so small her boobs looked like they’d burst out at the slightest provocation. Blushing, she covered herself and snorted. “This is ridiculous.”

Beside her, Aqua tugged down her almost-non-existent skirt, looking like she’d melt.

Slowly, the eight of them gathered in the center of the room. Well, seven, since Darkness was still enjoying herself–her entire lower body looked like it had turned to rubber, complete with two thick Os that could only be her vagina and her butthole. Yang stepped over her with a shiver.

“So,” she said, scanning the rest of the group, “do we have the keys?” Everyone had obvious patches of rubber now–May even had a rubber eye.

“Yes,” said Saber, affirmatively. She seemed more concerned with her rubber hands than the fact she was naked.

“As far as we can tell,” said Kallen, with a sigh. Beside her, Aqua struggled to pull her skirt down over her chubby rubber thighs.

“Great,” said Yang, bitterly, looking down at her body. Was it just her, or was her top starting to feel a little tight? She didn’t want to think about it. “So how do we can to do this?”

“Did anyone find anything that suggested which chest was correct?” asked Saber, looking over them all.

Yang shook her head. As did the others.

“There has to be a clue of some kind!” said Nami. “What kind of puzzle is it if you have to guess the answer?”

“It may be a puzzle we’re meant to solve by trial and error,” said Saber, with a sigh. “I suppose we have no choice but to test all of them.”

“What if they’re trapped?” asked Aqua, visibly shaking.

“Mmmphf!” cried Asuka, donut mouth flexing. “Mmmphf!”

To this, Saber said nothing.

“Should we open them in a particular order, or…?” asked Kallen.

With a sigh, Yang tightened her grip on the key and approached Chest No. 2. Before any of the others could stop her, she’d slipped the key into the hole and turned it with a click, trying not to think of the previous lock she’d opened.

The chest hissed and swung open. Taking a deep breath, Yang leaned over it.

And sighed. “Empty,” she said.

“At least it wasn’t trapped,” said Nami.

Now Saber stooped beside Chest No. 3, picked up the lock, and inputted the combination. They all held their breath as she turned the final dial and the lock fell away with a click. The chest hissed, and like No. 2, slowly swung open.

Saber squinted. “Empty,” she announced.

All eyes turned to Chest No. 4 and the trio standing beside it. “So the antidote has to be in that one?” said May, sounding unconvinced.

Kallen sighed. “I guess we actually have to do this,” she said. “Well, let’s hope it works.” She and Nami took up places in front of the chest, whose sole eye bulged as it took in the sight of them. “Aqua,” said Nami, “we need you too.”

Aqua moaned. “Do I have to?” she said.

“It looks like it,” said Kallen, pulling back her leg as if she intended to give the chest a kick.

With a groan, Aqua joined the rest of her group, and for a moment the three of them stood there looking uncertain.

Yang raised an eyebrow. “What exactly are you–?”

Wincing, Kallen bent over and stuck out her butt. Aqua grabbed her skirt and pulled it up, exposing her panties. And Nami, bent over and squeezed her boobs between her arms, forming a valley of cleavage so deep you could have lost your head in it.

The chest’s eye went wide in delight. But it still didn’t open.

“We need something more…” said Nami.

“L-like what?” asked Aqua.

With a frown, Nami grabbed her cheeks, pulled their faces together, and kissed her.

“Mmmphf!” Aqua squealed, eyes wide.

The chest’s eyes opened wider too, but the box itself still remained stubbornly shut. At least until Kallen grabbed Aqua’s head and took Nami’s lips for herself, forcing Aqua’s face between her legs in the process.

“Mmmphf! Mmmphf!”

Shaking wildly in excitement, the box’s eye opened wide, wide, wide… And slammed shut. With a click and a hiss, its lid swung open.

Kallen pulled free of Nami’s lips and released Aqua.

“Why did you do that?!” squealed the maid, wiping her mouth and breathing hard.

“Sorry, my collar–”

Nami, ignoring this little drama, peered into the box. “It’s–” She froze, face pale. “It’s empty too!”

The implications of the statement rolled through the group like a death knell. Yang’s heart thudded hard; she took a step back, feet squeaking. If the antidote wasn’t in any of the chests, what were they supposed to do?”

All at once, she realized just how tight her chest had become. Looking down, she saw her top had torn, exposing the swollen rubber boobs beneath. Just how big would they get before they stopped growing?

“What do we do now?!” cried Aqua, eyes full of tears.

“I-I don’t understand,” said Saber. “We clearly had to complete the puzzles to open the chests. Was there something else we missed?”

“How can there be?” cried Yang, all but ready to tear her hair out. “There’s nothing else in the room!”

“Mmmphf!” cried Asuka. “Mmmphf! Mmmphf!” Bounding forward, she grabbed the lid of Chest No. 1 and, with some difficulty–more to do with her rubber arms than the box itself–forced it open. “Mmmmphf!”

Yang stepped forward and peered over her shoulder. In the velvet-cushioned interior of the chest lay a pile of little vials full of sparkling pink fluid.

Yang blinked. “They’re… they’re in here?!”


Saber looked like she wanted to collapse. “I don’t understand,” she said. “If they were in the unlocked box, what was the point of…?” She gestured vaguely around them at the wire game and the bookcase and the wardrobe. “We could have found them straight away if we’d just opened No. 1?”

“Why do nyou sound so shocked, nya?”

With a gasp, the group whirled to find Nomi standing in the corner of the room, her blank puppet’s face somehow managing to convey infinite amusement. “Didn’t I tell nyou the solution, nya? ‘Only One contains the antidote.’ I’m sure I remember saying it.”

Saber looked like she might hit her.

“Well, nyou found it in the end, and that’s all that really matter, isn’t it?” Nomi chuckled. “Nyow nyou just have to figure out how to distribute it…”

“D-Distribute it?” asked May.

Nami, reaching into the chest, spread the bottles and counted them. “There’s only seven,” she said, face pale.

Nomi laughed. “Oh, did I forget to stock a sufficient supply of them? Oh nyo. What a terrible situation for nyou to be in, nya. (And nyes, nyou do have to drink the whole vial–they won’t work if nyou split them).” She chuckled again.

“Clock’s ticking, nya.” With a clack of wooden limbs against stone, Nomi went limp.

Voting Time! Who shouldn’t get the antidote?



Please not yang...... she suffers enough! (Mrssage paid for by the Save a Yang Foundation)


I was really scared when all of the chests turned up empty til i remembered what kind of story this is lmao