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Almost instantly, the collar around Yang’s neck flashed. She jerked forward like a puppet, as did everyone else.

“Yang and Darkness,” she said, voice joining the others in a chorus. “Yang should be the key and Darkness should be the hole.”

The collars ceased to glow, and for a moment they all stood there in stunned silence. The only sound was the hiss of the gas from the vents on the wall.

And the harsh clapping of a puppet’s wooden hands. “Well done,” said Nomi, joints creaking.  “I’m glad to see nyou’ve come to such a swift decision. Well, if nyou want to avoid the gas, nyou better hurry up and put it into action, nya.” She went limp and struck the floor with a clack.

A bead of sweat dripped from Asuka’s chin. “Wh-what does she mean?” she asked. “What’s she asking us to do?”

As one, the rest of the group’s eyes turned to the strap-on lying on the floor. Then to Yang. Then to Darkness.

Yang, swallowing, reached down and picked the strap-on up, earning a gasp of surprise from Aqua. In her hand, it looked so much larger than it had on the ground. She could feel every bump along its length–who would ever want to take something like this inside th–?

“Oh… oh… oh… what a calamity.” With a moan, Darkness fell to her knees, hugging herself and breathing in deeply. “To be trapped in a monster’s dungeon and forced to act out their perverted whims… Nnn~!” Screwing up her eyes, she doubled over and shuddered as if she were in the middle of religious frenzy. Nami took an awkward step away from her.

With shocking speed, Darkness leapt back to her feet and grabbed Yang by the top. “Don’t be afraid to do it!” cried Darkness. “The safety of the group has to come first! I know it’s terrible, but we have to take one for the team!”

Yang flinched. “Wh-what the hell are you–?!”

“Quickly!” cried Darkness, visibly sweating. Snatching the strap-on out of Yang’s hands, she disappeared behind her.

Yang’s shorts dropped. Her eyes went wide. “H-hey–what do you think you’re doing?!”

In response, Darkness grabbed Yang’s and raised her leg, forcibly slipping it into the strap-on’s hole. “Hurry!” she cried. “Before the gas the starts to affect us!”

“Are you sure you haven’t breathed it in already?” asked Nami.


As Yang stood there, stunned, Darkness pulled the strap-on up her legs and tightened them with a single sharp motion. Yang stared at the giant, blood-red pseudophallus protruding from her groin. Fuck, it looked like a dragon’s neck.

Darkness, meanwhile, swept the torture instruments off a convenient table and threw herself on it. Lying on her back, she pulled down her pants and spread her legs wide.

A dripping sound joined the hissing of the gas. Yang and the rest of the group simply stood there in shock.

“Quickly!” cried Darkness. “Don’t worry about me! I can take it!” She breathed deep, face red, eyes sparkling. “Do it for the team!”

Yang looked left and right and finally straight ahead again. She could feel the gas around her ankles now. There was an odd taste to the air now. Crap, was she already breathing it in?

She didn’t know whether or not she was, but whatever the case, she strode forward and, with some hesitation, grabbed her new phallus’s tip.

On the table, Darkness moaned, pussy pouring. Yang had never seen anything like it in her life. Taking a deep breath, she guided the strap-on’s tip to Darkness’s lips, breathed out, and–

“Wh-what’s she doing?” asked Asuka. “What–?”

Schlup! –thrust.

Darkness screamed as if someone had stabbed her, so loudly Yang had to stop to check she was okay. The other blonde’s eyes had rolled back in their sockets, and her tongue lolled out, flapping as she breathed. She looked like they’d been doing this for hours.

Swallowing, Yang drew back and thrust again. And again, and again, and again, each impact earning a meaty slap from Darkness’s lower lips and a moan of delight from her upper ones, each louder than the preceding.

Yang flushed red. “H-how long do I have to keep doing this for?” she asked, flicking a glance at the door. Its demonic face leered back as if mocking her. By now the gas coiled around her thighs, and the hiss of it pouring had become deafening. Grabbing Darkness’s legs, she pulled back and thrust harder.

Schlap! Schlap! Schlap! Schlap!

“Nn~! Nnn~! Oh Eris, nnn~! Harder!”

Finally, Yang pulled back one last time, steeled herself, and thrust forward with such force it could have shattered a rock. Darkness screamed as if she’d been electrocuted…

…and slumped, head lolling to one side. She whimpered feebly, breathing hard.

With a click, the door of the room swung open.

“Quickly!” cried Saber. As one, she and the rest of the group rushed for freedom.

Yang took a second to catch her breath and pull out of Darkness. This done, she tore off the strap-on, threw a mewling Darkness over her shoulder, and rushed for the door herself. For a second, she considered leaving the crusader behind. It wasn’t as if that the gas could make her any worse.

The instant they passed through, the door slammed behind. She heard it lock with a click, and swallowed. Let’s hope we don’t need to go back…

Lowering an insensate Darkness to the floor, Yang stood and looked around. Before them lay a room much like the previous, complete with the ominous, flickering torches and the instruments of torture on the wall. There were several additions: in one corner sat a looping wire, like a rollercoaster in miniature or one of the children’s games you see in a doctor’s waiting room; in the second, a shelf full of books. In the third lay an enormous armoire, doors styled like gargoyles. And in the fourth sat another Nomi puppet, clearly waiting to spring to life at any second. They all gave it a wide berth.

Among the additions, one was particularly prominent: four large, gilded chests stood in a row in the center of the room, each marked with a number and practically exploding with suspiciousness.

Before any of them could investigate, the puppet in the corner stood and clapped her wooden hands. “Congratulations on escaping Room One,” said Nomi, face a blank mask. “If nyot for nyour swift actions, nyou would have soon breathed in a fatally erotic quantity of gas, and nyour little party would have soon devolved into a rather tasteless orgy.” She chuckled, jaw clacking.

“Unfortunately, nyour escape wasn’t swift enough. Nyou see, I’m afraid there were actually two gases in the previous chamber, one of which–invisible–was present from the very start. It should be taking effect right about nyow, nya.”

Yang’s heart stopped beating. All of a sudden, she realized she was still hot all over, as if the sweat she’d worked up by fucking Darkness had yet to cool down.

“Wh-what does that mean?” cried Nami.

The puppet gave the impression of a smirk. “Have nyou taken a look at nyour skin recently? Nyou might notice it has become a little smoother, nya.”

Yang raised her arm and gasped at what she found. Sure enough, her skin glimmered in the torchlight, as if instead of flesh she were actually made of plastic.

“What are you doing to us?!” cried Kallen.

Nomi chuckled. “Are nyou familiar with the phrase ‘Dutch wife’? Nyo? Well, I’m afraid nyou’re about to be ‘married to a Netherlander’, so to speak.”

Yang watched, heart pounding, as the slickness spread up her arm and down over her hand. Where it reached her fingers, they became harder to move, releasing a little squeak each time she bent them.

“Fortunately, this room contains a supply of antidote,” said Nomi, tapping the first of the four chests. “I’ll leave nyou to figure out how to acquire it. Oh, but first, let me give nyou a little clue: only one is the solution, nya. Ta-ta~. ”

The instant the puppet went limp, Asuka rushed forward and scrambled to open chest No. 1. Before she had a chance, Saber grabbed her from behind.

“Let me go!” cried Asuka, eyes shaking with fear. “We need to get the antidote!”

“It’s a trap!” snapped Saber, pulling her back. “Look, it’s the only one that’s unlocked.”

Yang scanned the chests. Saber was right: of the four, only the one Nomi had tapped could be opened. The others all some kind of lock: No. 2 had a padlock, No. 3 had a combination lock, and No. 4 had an… an eye? Even as she stared, it snapped to her, looking up and down her body in a way that made her shudder.

“Wh-what do we do now?” asked Aqua, voice shaking.

Nami knelt behind Chest No. 2 and raised its lock so she could see the hole. Slowly, she turned to 3 and 4. “So we need a key, a combination, and…” She frowned. “Something for No. 4.”

“We probably have to show it something it wants to see,” said Kallen. Catching its gaze on her breasts, she blushed and covered her chest.

And we need a way to figure out which chest is the right one,” said Yang. She rubbed her arm and shuddered when it squeaked–it felt like rubber. “Quickly, before we end up as ‘butch wives’ or whatever she said.”

“What does that even mean?” wailed Asuka. Her lips were beginning to look a little puffy already.

“I’ve found the key,” said May, pointing to the wire game in the Northeast corner of the room.

Yang squinted. Sure enough, the key lay at the end of the wire, which had been threaded through its handle. To get it free, it looked like you had to move it all the way to the other end of the winding, twisting wire. Which look like a pain, but how hard could it be?

Saber scanned the scene before them and frowned. “It would seem each corner corresponds to one of the chests,” she said. “The empty Northwest for No. 1. Northeast and its… game obviously provide the key for No. 2.” She turned. “Proceeding clockwise, Southeast’s bookshelf must contain the solution to No. 3.” She turned again. “And Southwest’s armoire must have some solution to No. 4.”

Back in the Northeast corner, May pinched the key at the end of the wire and slowly raised it. “It should be easy enough to get this off,” she said, “all you have to do it slide it to the end of the–”

Zap! May squealed as the key caught the wire. With a moan, she slammed her legs shut and dropped to the floor, whimpering.

Nami rushed over to her. “Are you alright?”

May blushed. “I-I’m fine… It’s just…” She squeezed her legs even tighter and looked away, ashamed.

“...I expect there is a catch to each corner,” said Saber. “Traps within traps. We should be cautious. Who wishes to investigate which?”

As one, they studied the three corners: the wire game, buzzing with what they could only hope was electricity. The bookcase, audibly whirring, as if it were some complex mechanism just waiting to be triggered. And the wardrobe, slime seeping out of its cracks–every few seconds, it shook, as if something inside were fighting to get out.

The clock above the exit ticked ominously. Yang rubbed her plastic arm. It squeaked.

Voting Time! The highest voted option for each character will take place, so make sure to vote for everyone!*

*Where multiple characters are assigned to the same task, the one with the most votes will take priority. And if no one has a particular task as their highest result, whichever character has the least in the other tasks will be assigned to it.


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