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Samus Aran into Screensaver

Leaving her power suit behind, Samus crept through the halls of the Pirates’ facility, gun raised, expecting any second that she’d stumble on one to shoot. The harsh metal floor clanged beneath her heels; the lights on the ceiling buzzed and flickered intermittently. The stench of ozone burnt her nostrils, obnoxious in its intensity.

Turning the corner, she stumbled on the bright blue glow of a terminal. Double-checking to make sure it wasn’t an ambush, she approached, placed her fingers on the keyboard, and typed away.

The machine reacted as quickly and obediently as any other Space Pirate terminal, swiftly providing her with a complete map of the facility and many of the traps prepared to face her. But when she probed it for more, it reacted erratically, crackling and flashing red. INSERT PASSWORD, it demanded stubbornly.

Wincing, Samus paused. What would the Space Pirates use as a password? ‘Ridley’?

Before she could decide on an answer, the screen flashed red again, and the entry box vanished. TIME LIMIT EXCEEDED, the machine declared. UNAUTHORIZED USER


Samus swore. Time to lea–

But as she turned to run, light burst from one of the machine’s scanners, forming a cage of pixels around her. Raising her gun, she fired instinctively, but her shot had no more effect than it would against an armored door.

As she stepped back to reassess her position, she felt a tingling in her feet, looked down, and gaped in horror:

Where her feet had been lay nothing more than two blurry clouds of pixels. She blanched.

As Samus watched, rigid with horror, the swarms of pixels spread rapidly up her legs, eating away her ankles and knees and moving rapidly onto her thighs. She batted at them, thrashed, but it accomplished little whatsoever–no matter how hard she fought, she couldn’t delay the process.

Soon enough, the pixels reached her sex, and Samus collapsed, trembling as they set off an intense bomb of pleasure. Falling onto her back, she lay there twitching and moaning as they finished off her figure in quick speed, pausing only to savor her breasts and send her into ecstasy into the process.


The screen flicked, blurred, and a new image appeared: a bounty hunter, lying on her back, one hand around her breast and the other between her legs. Rhythmically, she slipped them in and out, in and out, before flickering as her loop began again.


HoloCouncil Milk Bar

Kronii raised her hands to shield her eyes as she and the rest of Council stepped into the milk bar. It looked a lot like a classic 50s diner, complete with plush red leather stools and seats and neon lights above the counter.

“It looks like we’re the first customers of the day,” said Fauna, looking around. By all accounts, the bar was empty–there wasn’t a waitress around.

“Maybe they left the door open by mistake?” said Mumei. “We should go back outside…”

“Screw that!” cried Baelz, surging towards the bar and pounding hard on the counter. “Hey, wake up! I wanna drink a milkshake!”

“Bae…” said Sana, raising a hand in feeble attempt to stop here.”

As Baelz’s pounding made the entire bar shake, the door to the kitchen creaked open, and a figure poked its head through the door.

Council froze, stunned to silence. Even Baelz stopped pounding to stare in shock.

“What’s the matter?” said Mori Calliope, waltzing out of the kitchen in a tight-fitting cow-print bikini. “What are you guys looking so shocked about?” Her boobs jiggled and shook in the tiny cups containing them, ten times their normal size if not larger. Council stared as they sloshed with every step she took towards them, her apron visibly dripping milk.

Coming to a stop in the middle of the bar, she hefted up her boobs and plopped them on the counter. “So, what’ll it be?” she asked. “Breast milk?”

Council stared at her.

“Come on,” she said, squeezing her breasts, “surely one of you is interested?”

Baelz blinked. “Y-you… you… you’re selling your breast milk?”

“Oh, not just me,” said Calli, resting her chin in her arms. “We’re all taking part in the promotion. C’mon, I’ll give you a peek backstage.”

Gesturing for Council to follow, she breasted boobily into the kitchen. It took Council several seconds to work up the courage to follow her.

What they found on the other side of the door went beyond even their most perverted dreams: the milk bar’s kitchen looked more like a milking parlor. In each bar stood a member of HoloMyth, their boobs pumped to twenty times their normal sizes and fitted with suction cups to drain them of milk.

Ina squealed as she saw Council approach, making her bloated boobs bounce so hard her cups threaten to pop off. “Caaaaalli! What are you doing?! You’re not supposed to let anyone back here.” She struggled to cover herself, though it took all her tentacles to ever begin to hide her boobs.

Gura, on the other hand, laughed madly. “Kronii-kouhai! Look how boing-boing I am now! Come suck on my fat nipples! My milk is so delicious.” She cupped her boobs and, with great effort, lifted and dropped them. They audibly sloshed.

Kiara laughed too. “Yeah, come try our milkshake!”

“Wh-what’s going on?” cried Sana. “Why are you all acting like this?”

HoloMyth shared a glance. “Hmm,” said Calli, “it’s probably something to do with their training video they made us watch.”


“Yeah! Lemme put it on for you!” Sloshing over to a convenient television, she punched the power button.

With a crackle, the screen flashed into life, filled by milky swirls. “GOOD COW. GOOD COW. GOOD COW. GOOD–”

“What’s it talking abooooo…?” Mumei’s eyes went blank. She slumped. The rest of HoloCouncil followed suit. As they stood there, limbs slack, heads empty, the screen continued to swirl, and the speakers continued to drone. “GOOD COW. GOOD COW. GOOD–”

“Good cow…” mumbled Fauna, drops of milk dripping through her top. Beside her, Kronii moaned as her already generous boobs threatened to leap out of her shirt.

“Good cow…” said Baelz and Mumei, their shirts straining to contain their own growing breasts, which were rapidly catching up to the size of their companions.

“Good cow…” Sana’s top tore with a rrrip, and her swollen boobs burst free, large as beach balls and audibly sloshing.

“Good cow…” said HoloCouncil, milk pooling around their feet.

Calli laughed. “I’ll fetch you some uniforms.”

Tatsumaki into Love Doll

Tatsumaki tightened her grip, earning a groan from the monster. “Had enough yet?”

Floating suspended in a web of her psychic energy, the creature–it looked like an inflatable mannequin with grossly swollen breasts and a thick, rigid phallus–shuddered. “N…not… fair…”

“Yeah, yeah,” said Tatsumaki, flicking a lock of hair out of her eyes and inspecting her phone. Urgh, five minutes till her plane arrived. What a chore. She supposed she might as well amuse herself.

She floated a little closer to the monster. “Normally I’d just twist a petty little Wolf-class like you out of existence, but it’s been a quiet day, and I’m feeling curious. They tell me you used to be human. Is that true?”

The doll monster shuddered, gurgling a little.

She shrugged. “Well, if you don’t wanna talk–I guess I can always amuse myself by snapping your stupid bones.” She tightened her grip.

“Wuh–wait,” said the monster, its thick, round lips smacking as it spoke. It sounded like it had just come back from a bad trip to the dentist.” “I’ll talk…”

“Good,” said Tatsumaki, checking her phone. Still four minutes to go. “How did you become a monster?”

The doll-creature shrugged. “Just happened,” it said, head lolling at a strange angle. Absently, Tatsumaki wondered if she’d broken its spine.

“Nothing just happens,” she snapped, feeling as annoyed at her own curiosity as the monster’s terseness.

The monster looked around awkwardly. Now that she was closer, she realized its ‘eyes’ were false–it had a second pair peeping through the pupils. Creepy. Before she could continue that line of thought, the creature spoke: “I always wanned a sex doll,” it said.

Tatsumaki’s face twisted in disgust. So that was why it looked so familiar. “Urgh! What kinda perv do you have to be to turn into a sex doll monster?” Maybe she should just crush it now.

The doll thing continued as if hadn’t noticed her reaction. “I used to spend hours begging my mom to buy one, but she just wouldn’t allow it. She said it was disgusting.”

“She was right!” said Tatsumaki, flicking another glance at her phone. 3 minutes.

“I didn’t mind too much… Till she took away my door. Said she didn’t want me jackin’ off no more. Said she couldn’t believe she’d raised such a pervert.”

Tatsumaki frowned.

“That made me kinda mad, especially ‘cos she wuddn’t buy me a doll either. But it mostly made me horny. Like really, really, horny. So horny I turned into this.”

“What a stupid story,” said Tatsumaki.

“It’s not too bad though…” said the monster. “My new form’s kinda weird, but the special power I got more than makes up for it…”

Tatsumaki raised an eyebrow. This was the first she’d heard of it having a special power. “What special power?”

“The power to–urk!” The monster’s false eyes rolled back in its false sockets. It shook as if choking to death.

Tatsumaki rolled her eyes. Yeah, she’d definitely broken a few bones–one must have punctured its lung. She supposed she could loosen her grip a little though. It was only a Wolf.

She relaxed her grip.

In a single instant, the monster’s head snapped back, and its long, rigid cock snapped to aim at her like a cannon. “DOLL BEAAAAAAAAAAM!”

“H-hey!” Eyes wide, Tatsumaki raised her hands to shield her face. They were so close, her barrier was useless.

Something thick and sticky splattered her head, her arms, and her body, and her legs. As she lowered her hands, blinking it shock, some of the stuff dripped from her hair and landed on her face.

The monster’s cock slumped, balls deflating. “Ah… That felt good.”

Tatsumaki’s eyes tightened in rage. “You–!” She tightened her grip, making the monster squeak as she crushed its spine. “You–Mmmphf!”

Blinking, Tatsumaki looked down. Where her mouth had been was a fat, pink donut.

The doll monster laughed. “Perfect for cock,” it said, sounding considerably more eloquent, “but less so for words. Oh, and sorry, but I don’t have any bones for you to break. Well, beside the one.” It snorted.

“Mmpphf! Mmmphf!” Eyes furious, Tatsumaki raised a hand to twist the monster out of existence. Before she had a chance, both her arms snapped outward as if to give someone a hug, and her fingers melded to give her a pair of thick, plastic gloves. “Mmmphf!”

As she struggled to regain control, the rest of her body followed suit: her legs spread like her arms; her skin turned sleek and smooth, seams running up and down her limbs; her tiny breasts trembled and exploded, grown to twenty times their former size, perfectly round; her eyes, trembling with fury, froze, reduced to the blank eyes of a cartoon. She couldn’t even blink them.

She spent every second of the transformation trying to crush the monster flat , till a sudden bout of light-headiness knocked her focus away forever. Oooh… what was I…?

Her control flickered and collapsed–she and the doll monster dropped.

Tatsumaki stuck the floor assfirst and bounced with a squeak. The doll monster landed on its feet. Shrugging off the last of her control, it marched over and snatched her up like some kind of cheap toy. To her horror, Tatsumaki released she’d become something like it: a cheap, hypersexual facsimile of humanity, without even the power to move, let alone resist.

“Oooh, Tatsumaki,” said the monster. “You’ve no idea how much I wanted this. ” Taking her by the hips, it held her above her swollen shaft. “I get bored with normal dolls real quickly–my mom and the girls from school barely last me a day–but I think a special little esper like you will last me for a long time.”

Guiding Tatsumaki’s fat, plastic pussy over its shaft, it licked its lips and giggled. “And hey, even if I do get bored, there’s always your sister~.”

Tatsumaki struggled to scream.


RWBY into Cheerleaders

Ruby groaned in her sleep, tossing and turning on the bed, as a playful voice, high-pitched and peppy, cut through her dreams like a steel knife:

“Give me an R! Give me a W! Give me a B! Give me a Y! What does it spell?”

It sounded familiar, very familiar indeed, though the things it was saying were so strange she assumed she must still be deep asleep.

Sitting up in bed, she rubbed her eyes and blinked blearily. “Wh–what?” she said. “Weiss? Is that you?”

It took her vision several seconds to clear, and even when it did, she struggled to believe it.

“Of course it’s, like, me, silly. Who else could give such a spirited cheer?”

Before her stood… It couldn’t be Weiss. It couldn’t possibly be Weiss. Weiss would never wear a cheerleader’s outfit, complete with a pair of azure pom poms, nor would she have ever dyed her hair light blue and tied it in such a ridiculous pair of pigtails. And she’d never been anywhere near this well-endowed–the woman beside her bed looked like she had balloons stuck up her shirt.

And Weiss would never, ever, not in a thousand years, ever smile so enthusiastically.

Ruby stared. “W-Weiss?! What’s happened to me?”

“Uh, like, isn’t it obvious?” said Weiss, cocking her hips and leaning forward haughtily. Staring into her cleavage, Ruby blushed. “I got, like, an extra dose of school spirit!” She snapped upright with a giggle and shook her pom poms playfully.

Tiny specks, glowing pink, trailed from them as she shook them. Ruby watched with wide eyes as they settled on the bedsheet. “Dust.”

Leaning out of bed, she hurried to her closet to change. “We’ve got to get you to the nurse and see if she can do something about this.”

Tying her boots, she turned and found Weiss blocking the way to the door. “Weiss…? What are–?”

Weiss giggled. “Why would I wanna go to the nurse when I feel so high-spirited?” She giggled again, literally bouncing up on the spot–her boobs rose and fell with a hypnotic motion.

Ruby swallowed, feeling she might throw up. This was bad. This was really bad. If Weiss wouldn’t let her pass, she might have to use her Semblance. But she was so close to the door! How was she supposed to get past without force?

Before Ruby could think of an answer, Weiss slapped her head and laughed. “O-M-G,” she said, “I am such a stupid slut. I can’t believe I didn’t think of this before!” Rummaging in her cleavage, she produced a second pair of pom poms, bright red.

“W-Weiss? What are doing with–?” Before Ruby could finish her sentence, Weiss flew across the room even faster than she could react. Before she knew what was happening, she had a pair of Dust-filled pom poms sitting in her own hands.

“C’mon, Ruby! Cheer with me!”

“Wh-what?” Ruby flushed. She didn’t seriously expect her to–

“Give me an R!” cried Weiss.

Instinctively, Ruby thrust her arms into the air. The pom poms rustled; Dust spilled over her hair. “Wh-what?!”

“Give me a W!”

Ruby pumped the air again, her face white with panic. What was happening? Why couldn’t she let go? Why–oooh, why did her brain feel so foggy all of a sudden?

“Give me a B!”

This time, she didn’t even resist–she thrust her pom poms into the sky as enthusiastically as she could manage. Dust spilled, showering her form like summer rain. She found her mouth twitching, struggling to grin.

“Give me a Y!”

As she thrust again, even more enthusiastically than before, Ruby’s body changed: her hair lengthen, turning a bright shade of pink and tying itself into pigtails, while her combat skirt and the rest of her outfit morphed into a bright red crop top and miniskirt, complete with matching pair of sneakers.

“What does it spell?”

The question struck Ruby’s brain like a meteor. What did it spell? Oh. Oh! This was her turn, this was her bit!

Taking a deep breath, she leapt into the air, pom poms high. “RWBY!”

Her tight new top–which read ‘BEACON’–audibly strained as the breasts inside it swelled. When she hit the ground, a dumb grin on her face, it took several seconds for her new boobs to stop bouncing. They were even, like, bigger than Yang’s!

Giggling, she clasped her cheeks. “O-M-G, Weiss! You were totally, like, right! Being full of school spirit is totally, like, amazing!”

“Aii! I know, right!” Weiss leapt into a hug, and the two spent several seconds rubbing their swollen new chests together.

“What should we, like, do now?” asked Ruby, pulling away at last.

“I dunno! You’re, like, the squad leader!”

“Oh my Gawd, you’re so right!” Holding her pom poms to her chest, Ruby shivered. “We should totally recruit Blake and Yang, right? We need a whole squad is we’re going to cheer for the big match?”

“Oh, but what if they, like, fight back?” asked Weiss.

Ruby giggled. “Well, then, we’ll just have play a little dirty.”

“Oh my Gawd, Ruby, you’re so bad.”


Standing outside the door to their dorm room, Blake frowned. What’s going on in there?

“Give me a W!” cried a pair of high-pitched voices, accompanied by the rustling of something like paper.

Pausing outside the door, she leaned in to bring her ears closer and frowned at what she heard.

“Give me a B!”

Were… Ruby and Weiss… doing a cheer chant? What? What?! She could maaaaybe believe Ruby would do something like that if you fed her too much sugar, but Weiss? She couldn’t imagine the Ice Princess cheering even if you threatened to shoot her.

Frown deepening, she forced the door open. If she didn’t find out what was going on soon, her curiosity was going to kill her.

What she found stunned her to silence. Before her stood Ruby and Weiss, dressed like a pair of peppy cheerleaders, their hair dyed bright, pastel colors, and a pair of sparkling pom poms rustling in their hands. Their boobs jiggled and swung with every little shake and bounce–Blake couldn’t believe how large they were.

Beside them stood Yang, holding a pair of pom poms of her own. Unlike the others, she was wearing her normal clothes, and when she caught Blake’s eye, her face twitched, contorted, as if she were fighting a deep internal battle. “Help…”

“With me a Y!” cried Ruby and Weiss.

Like poorly-strung puppet, Yang thrust her arms into the air. Her pom poms shook, releasing specks of bright pink dust. As it landed in her hair, Yang’s eyes rolled back in their sockets. And she changed.

As Blake stared, too stunned to act, Yang’s long, golden locks turned a stark bleached blonde and tied themselves into a magnificent ponytail. Her jacket and skirt wavered like a liquid, melting and reforming into a tight, golden cheerleader’s outfit, while her boots reformed into yellow tights and bright white sneakers.

But the worst part of the change, the scariest by far, was what happened to her face. Just like that, all sign of conflict vanished. Her eyes rolled forward, bright and empty, and her bright peppy grin.

Ruby and Weiss bounced, pigtails shaking. “What does that spell?”

Giggling like a child, Yang leapt right into the air. “RWBY!”

Her boobs doubled in size with an audible boing, forming a tear in her top which instantly morphed into a proper window. When she landed, they shook for almost a full minute. “Wow! Thanks for the pep-talk, team! I feel much better about cheering at the big game now!”

“It’s okay, sis! I’m always happy to help my squad mates when they’re feeling low in spirits!”

The three of them burst into laughter again.,

Blake felt like she’d just witnessed a murder. “Y-Yang?” she said. “What’s–”

“Oh my Gawd, like, Blake’s here!” cried Weiss. “I didn’t even notice. Quick, Ruby! You gotta, like, do your thing!”

“I’m on it!”

Too late, Blake realized what Weiss meant. “N-no!” She turned to run, but before she could take even a single step, there was a whoosh of wind, a flurry of petals, and Ruby Rose stood before her, pigtails jiggling. “Got you!” she cried, grabbing Blake’s arms.

Blake struggled to pull free, but the others soon joined in. In seconds, they had her firmly in their grip.

As Yang and Weiss held Blake tight, Ruby giggled and reached into her ridiculously engorged cleavage. What she pulled out made Blake’s heart pound even faster.

“Okay!” said Ruby. Giggling, she held up the pair of purple pom poms. “Let’s get her in her outfit, squad!”

“No! No!” Face white with fear, Blake fought to escape. But no matter how hard she thrashed, she couldn’t keep Weiss and Yang from prying open her hands or Ruby from placing the pom poms in them. The second her fingers caught their handles, her hands snapped tight, as if magnetized. “No!”

“Give me an R!” cried Ruby.


“What does it spell?”

Taking a deep breath, Blake leapt high into the air, thrusting her new pom poms high at the ceiling. “RWBY!”

Her bust swelled down as she dropped–by the time she landed, it was larger than Ruby’s and Weiss’s, smaller only than Yang’s. She hopped on the spot, making it jiggle and slosh.

Like the others, she’d changed her style completely, her hair tying itself into a pair of giant buns, while her bow lightened to purple and swelled to twice its size. Her outfit, similarly, had morphed: her corset vanished, and her white top and bottoms turning a bright purple, the latter becoming an egregious short skirt that showed off her bright white panties and most of her famous butt. Even her beloved black boots were gone, replaced by simple white sneakers.

Not that she cared anymore! Her current outfit was perfect! She couldn’t wait to start practice! Her pom poms and ass alike were practically begging to be shaken.

“Okay, everyone! That’s, like, all of us, right?” Ruby looked around, waiting for Team RWBY’s infamous fifth member to make herself known and–when no one did–grinned like an idiot. “Yay! That means it’s, like, totes time for us to start practice!”

“Yaaaaaay!” Weiss and Yang bounced on the spot, causing an avalanche of jiggling.

“Like, wait a sec,” said Blake, planting a finger on her lip. “Are you sure we have enough, like, squad members?”

“O-M-G, you’re right!” cried Ruby. “We totally need at least three times what we have now…” She did the math on her fingers. “That’s, like, at least eight people!”

“Oh no! What are we going to doooo?”

“Pyrrha!” came a voice from the other side of the door. “Have you seen my shield?”

After a second of thought, Ruby’s mouth split into a grin. “I have, like, an amazing idea.” She reached into her cleavage and pulling out a pair of bright yellow pom poms.

“Why don’t we go give JNPR a little pep-talk too?”


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