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Hey again! After going through all your ideas, I've picked out the ones I liked the best and started writing! Here's the first batch of final drafts--I'll be posting more as they're completed! I hope you all enjoy them!

Aqua & Megumin into Giantesses

Megumin salivated hungrily, eyes sparkling with greed, as she swept through the store in search of a magic item. Wiz’s wares were supposed to be cursed, but there was always a chance of finding a treasure among the trash.

“L-Lady Aqua!”

Flicking a glance over her shoulder, Megumin found the storeowner on the ground, whimpering as Aqua planted her boot on her butt. Rolling her eyes, Megumin turned back to her search.

Boots of Dancing? No. Bag of Devouring? Nah.Belt of Gender-Changing? Maybe later.

Megumin sighed. Where was all the good stuff?

Just as she thought her search might prove futile, her eyes landed on something that made them light up. “Boom-Boom Brew?”

She picked up the bottle, which was big and round and labeled with a picture of an explosion. Boom-Boom Brew, it read. For those who really wanna explode!

Megumin’s hands began to tremble. I want to explode things! Could this potion make her explosions bigger?

Without a thought, she popped the cap down and downed a swig. It made her tingle as it trickled down her throat. It tasted sweet.

Behind her, Wiz squealed.

“M-Megumin?! What are you doing? Don’t drink that!”

Megumin blinked. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “Isn’t it supposed to boost explosion magic?”

“N-not q-quite!” Wiz looked even paler than normal. “Q-quick, we have to get you outside, before–”

With a boom!, Megumin’s chest exploded, boobs bursting out of her top, large and round and inflated. Looking down at it in shock, she cupped her once-flat breasts and blushed as they spilled over her hands. She’d never seen a pair of boobs so big–they were even larger than Wiz’s!

And they weren’t the only part of her that was growing.

As Aqua and Wiz gaped in shock, one part of Megumin’s body exploded after another. Her shoulders stretched, her legs lengthened, her arms grew, her head embiggened. Her skull made a thunk as she hit the ceiling.

“W-Wiz?!” she cried. “What’s happening?!”

Wiz looked too stunned to respond. “It’s a gigantification potion! It’s supposed to make you enormous!”

A bead of sweat dripped from Megumin’s brow. How big was she going to get exactly?”

Down on the ground, Aqua rubbed her chin smugly. “A gigantification potion? Hmm… I bet a lot more people would respect me as a goddess if I were a giant…”

“Eh?!” Wiz stared in horror as Aqua snatched the bottle up. “W-wait, Lady Aqua! No, not you too!”

Glug! Glug! Glug!

“Lady Aqua, stooop! There’s not enough room!”


Casting aside the empty bottle, Aqua laughed as her own assets exploded. Instants later, the rest of her followed–she screamed as she swelled in size… Right up until she slammed face-first into Megumin.


“Mmmphf!” The pair cried as the tight confines of the shop squeezed their bloated bodies were squeezed together.


“Mmmphf!” cried Wiz, stuck beneath Aqua’s butt.


The shop creaked, rafters straining like the straps of Wiz’s bra. Finally, the building gave: with a tremendous crash, the pair burst through the roof and stretched rapidly towards the sky. By the time they finally stopped growing, they were fifty meters or more in height, and everyone on the ground looked like insects to their eyes.

Stepping out of the ruined magic shop, Megumin stumbled, leaving craters in the road. As she regained her balance, she felt a sudden rush of power. She was so large now… So strong… She picked up a cart and turned it around in her hands like a toy. She could break things so easily. She could cause as much damage as an explosion just by stomping her foot.

She raised a leg. All she’d had to do was bring it down–

“Hah!” cried Aqua, voice booming. The gigantic goddess stood nearby, invisible panties on display for everyone on the ground. “Let’s see Kazutrash mock me now! Kazuma! Kaaaaazuma! Hey, where are you? Come on, show yourself! Let’s see you mock me–woaoah!”

Stumbling over her own feet, Aqua tripped, her giant body demolishing a row of houses as she fell. “Urgh~,” she said, eyes screwed up in pain, giant tweety-birds circling over her head.

Ignoring her, Megumin marched on, her smile growing larger with every passing second. “Let’s see…” she said, raising her foot. “What should I make explode first?”


Looking down, Megumin found a familiar adventurer hollering for her attention. Bending down, she snatched him up and stuffed his squirming little body into her cleavage. “C’mon, Kazuma, you can sit there and watch as I make things explode. I think I’m going to start with the Adventurer’s Guild~.”


Videl into Capsule then Robot

Bulma’s heels clacked against the smooth metal floor of the laboratory. “And this,” she said smugly, “is where I test out my new inventions.”

Behind her, Videl rolled her eyes and resisted the urge to groan. She really shouldn’t have signed up for the guided tour. Urgh, how long was this bitch going to keep talking?

“This is my latest capsule-maker,” said Bulma, producing a device like a scanner. You point it at something…” She aimed it at a soda can. “...Pull the trigger, and…”

With a zap, the soda can vanished, and a fresh capsule popped out of the capsule-maker’s back.

“Wow,” said Videl, flatly.

Bulma frowned. “So,” she said, “any questions?”

Videl blinked. Uh oh. If she didn’t show enough interest, Bulma was certain to get mad. “Oh, um, what was the last thing you mentioned?”

“The capsule-maker?” said Bulma.

“Y-yeah. So, uh, it really makes capsules?”

Bulma’s eyes tightened. “As implied by the name.”

“What are you going to use it for?”

Bulma’s expression turned dark. “Hold still and I’ll show you,” she said, aiming the device at Videl’s chest.

“H-Hey! What are you–?!” Videl raised her arms to shield her face, but it had no effect. The beam struck her with a zzzip!, and she found herself sucked into it like a strand of spaghetti–before she knew what was happening, she’d been squished into the tight confines of a capsule. “Mmmphf!”

“There,” said Bulma, smugly bouncing Videl’s capsule in her hand. “Now, let’s insert you into the PC.”

Videl heard a click, and before she knew what was happening, she found herself sucked out of the capsule and into an endless white void. “Hey!” she cried, spinning around. “Hey, where am I?!”

“You’re in my computer,” came Bulma’s voice, vaguely distant. “Specifically, in my CAD program. I’m going to do a little editing before I rematerialize you~.”

Videl blanched. “Let me out of here!”

Bulma pushed a button, and a grid of lasers swept over Videl’s form. She screamed and swung her fists and kicked, but all she could do was float there, suspended.

With a zzzip!, the lasers sliced apart and vaporized her clothes. Videl squealed and tried to cover her body, but the lasers weren’t finished, and they soon resumed their work.

As Bulma watched smugly, Videl found her body changing, skin hardening to smooth, dark metal, cracks appearing around her joints. Her nerves tingled as they transformed into circuitry, her brain burning as Bulma replaced it with a CPU.

Her taut, muscular body swelled with fat, her bust, and rear bloated into four fat jiggling sacks of flesh that promptly hardened to into solid metal spheres. Her cries cut off as her expression froze, a silver antenna sprouting from her head and her former legs contorting into a pair of simple wheels.

Finally, the lasers snapped off.


Retrieving Videl’s capsule, Bulma activated it and watched, still grinning, as Videl’s new form popped out into the world. She’d become a gross parody of her herself, all swollen and silly, made of metal spheres and paint, and dressed like a slutty French maid. “Good morning, madame,” Videl croaked, voice staticky. “How might I assist you?”

Bulma snorted. “Let’s put you to work, you hussy. Maybe you’ll show this place more respect once you’ve spent a week or two working here.”


D.Va into Tracer’s Tights

D.Va thrashed on the ground as the biotics worked their magic on her, turning her veins a bright pink as they wormed their way through her body.

“Well, well, well,” said Tracer, standing over her, a biotic pistol in hand, “looks like I’ve finally found the wanker who’s been sniffing around my knicker drawer.”

D.Va screwed up her eyes, struggling to speak–the biotics were making her feel so horny she wanted to cry. “It wasn’t for me!” she cried. “I needed them for my stream! Do you know how much my viewers will pay for Lena Oxton’s panties?!”

Tracer shot her again. Right in the boob.

As the strange pink biotics surged through her body, D.Va screamed and threw back her head and thrashed. As she stared, trembling in mixed horror and lust, her feet collapsed, sucked into her legs like a pair of socks up a vacuum. Her hands vanished into her arms a moment later, and soon enough both disappeared into her torso.

Spreading the stumps of her thighs, D.Va moaned as her pussy stretched, yawning voraciously wide. “W-w-what are you doing?!” she squeaked.

“Well, since you wanna get in my drawer so bad, I figured I’d help you,” said Tracer with a laugh.

D.Va went to protest, but she didn’t get a chance. With a schlump!, her head collapsed into her neck, and her entire torso sagged, hollowed out, utterly flattened. Lying there on the floor, limp as a dead fish, D.Va could only seethe inside, unable to understand what was happening to her body. Nnn~!

She continued to flatten, growing smaller and limper and looser, till at last she lay flat on the ground as a flag. Then she felt the sense of separation:

Writhing, D.Va moaned as her body split from pussy all the way to her head. Finally, with a pop, she split like an amoeba, and her two halves lay there limp, moving only to twitch a little.

As she struggled to get herself back on her feet, D.Va found Tracer looming over her. She tried to pull back, to scream, but all she could only moan as the other agent seized her. Wrenching open one of D.Va’s anus-turned-mouths, Tracer slammed a foot into it without the slightest hint of mercy.

Stop! D.Va screamed. Stop! Stop! Nn~! Ah! Nn! It felt as if Tracer were forcing her foot up her ass. Stooop! With every second, the pleasure grew worse as more and more of Tracer’s leg slipped into her body, stretching her hole wider and wider. Finally, D.Va reached her thigh–Stop! You’ll tear me!–and lost herself in bliss as Tracer’s toe caught her end. Nnn~! Uh, nn~!

Chuckling, Tracer reached for her other half. “I think I’ll wear you for a week,” she said, slipping D.Va slowly on to her. “That should be sufficient punishment.”


Android 21 into Love Pillow

“Release me!” cried Android 21, pounding the glass wall of the tube with her ki-enhanced fists.

For all her strength, it had very little effect save amusing the catgirls watching. “Nyeah, nyeah, keep pounding,” said the blue-haired, robotic one, tapping away at her console. “I’m sure the fiftieth punch will have a different effect to the forty-nyinth, nya.”

Android 21 stopped punching to glare.

With a thin smirk, the catgirl turned a monitor. “Nyow, let’s see,” she said. “What was the order again…? Ah, nyes. A body pillow.”

Android 21 squinted. A body pillow? What was she talking about?

The catgirl turned to face her with a smile. “Before we begin, how do nyou feel about that, nya?”

“Feel about what?”

The catgirl chuckled darkly. “Ah, nyou don’t understand yet. Too bad. Well, don’t worry, nya. Nyou’ll understand soon enough.” She pulled a lever.

Before 21 had a chance to demand an explanation, the raygun at the top of the chamber started to crackle. Looking up, she gasped in horror as a bolt of pink lightning dropped. Crap! It looked just like her Candy Beam.

She tried to back away, to flee, but there was no space available. All she could do was stand there and wait until at last it inevitably struck. Zzzap! Coursing through her flesh, it set her mind and body alight, making her scream and arch her back and tremble, shaking with lust.

Falling back against the glass, she lay there and panted, struggling not to rip off her pants and stick her fingers in her pussy. Fortunately, the lightning had her covered–in a flash it vaporized her clothes and set her clit and nipples aflame. She screamed and fell to her knees, unable to keep herself from exploring her burning body.

As she lost herself in lust, her body tingling and pulsed intensely. She felt intensely full, all she stuffed herself with the largest meal possible. It was an alien feeling, and one made even stranger by the fact she didn’t seem at all heavier. In fact, the fuller she became, the lighter she felt.

Forcing open an eye, she managed to look down. What she saw would have made her scream if she weren’t already wailing:

Her stomach had plumped, grown fat and round and worst of all: plush. As she watched, the change spread, pumping up her chest and her thighs too. She screamed as the latter slammed shut on her pussy, moaned as her swollen breasts jiggled firm and fat, their nipples turned to cloth. The change spread a little farther with every passing second, pumping up her flesh till she could barely move at all.

Finally, with an enormous pwumphf! she snapped rigid, and her entire body exploded outward, forced to fill an invisible mold. With that, the lightning snapped off–she slumped to the floor of the tank, bending a little in the middle.

Sitting there, she moaned at the pleasure. Oooh~. What happened to me?

The glass vanished with a whoosh, and the catgirl stepped in and snatched her up as if she weighed nothing at all. Hey! she cried. Get off of me!

“Purrfect,” said the catgirl, turning to face a mirror.

Android 21 stared. In the glass, the catgirl held a tall, thin pillow around the size of a human body… and styled with an image of herself, naked, legs spread, and her fingers deep between them.

21 gulped. So that was what she’d meant… h-huh?


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